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I've been very successful with all 16 of my characters. I recently ended up with an argonion mage/thief/warrior combo. I was trying to pick the breton, but I clicked to early. Still I have enchanted much of my armor myself, and have a nice longsword ( again self-enchanted ) that often keeps me alive by sucking the health out of anything standing in front of me. Did I mention my character also managed to summon a storm atronach successfully at level 7?
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  • 1 year later...
Currently, on the Xbox, I have a Level 30 Breton Battlemage. He enjoys soultrapping, enchanting, alchemy, and finding legendary artifacts. During his free time, he spends time helping the Mages Guild and the Fighters Guild.
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  • 3 weeks later...

At the moment i am playing a level 2 female wood elf. Stealth character with a side-order of Luck & Alchemy. Her Birth-sign is the Atronarch, which gives her a a higher than normal starting magica, but no magica regenerate. I play all my characters as true to Lore and real life as possible. If they die I start a new character. I don't level up unless i need the points to advance in a faction. I focus on increasing her skills.



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  • 3 weeks later...

My main char for Morrowind comes with emotional baggage, an disputable parent, and a claim to the fortune of a dead Telvanni mage.


There once was a man named Uvirith, a powerful Telvanni wizard that sought to conquer souls, defy gravity, and even defy the Archmagister. Then, on one fateful day, his tower plunged into a river full of lava. Everyone knew that Gothren had done it, but mouths were kept shut. Uvirith had one dirty secret that would rise up again, and forge a nation. His name is Ias Uvirith.


Was Ias a Dark Elf? Indeed he was not! He parentage was obscured by the mating of a Khajiit! Tel Uvirith's son was part Dark Elf, Part Khajiit, but it was the sole fact that the Khajiit blood was strong enough to make poor Ias retain his mother's attributes that allowed him to escape Gothren's assassins. For many years he learned magic in the sands of Elseweyr, with no help from the clan mother due to his ancestry. Many years passed, and Ias realized his Dark Elven heritage allowed him an expanded lifespan. He trained, trained, and gained fame in Elsewyr for his talent in the mystic arts. It was then one day that he recieved an invitation to take part in the revolution of the nation of Elseweyr. He accepted in delight! 2 years after he accepted, he was attending a meeting with the revolutionaries. This meeting was all but a Hoax, however, and Imperials soon arrested everyone who allied themselves to the revolutionary army. The penalty for this was of course death, but the Imperial commander was no man of regulation. He sold the men at the meeting, including Ias to slavery. Upon arrival to Sadrith Mora, he was recognized by Galos Mathendis -- Mouth to Aryon -- and bought. For several years he gained status in the House Telvanni, and was fortunate enough to achieve the rank his father held after serving as Aryon's mouth. His race made this progression hard, but he was fortunate to have Aryon at his back every step of the way. He reestablished his holdings where his father had built his stronghold, and ambitiously plotted Gothren's assassination. Gothren knew Ias' parentage from the beginning, however, and prepared himself for war.


Gothren died three days after he declared Ias an outlaw of House Telvanni. It wasn't Ias' doing either, he was killed by a horde of cliffracers on his way to crush Ias! His army arrived at Tel Uvirith II with no leader, and Ias convinced them to fight for him with promise of Riches. For seven years before the arrival of the Nerevar he watched the changing landscape of Morrowind as Archmagister and plotted. He allied his forces to Dagoth Ur under the notion of wiping the Empire off the face of Vvardenfell.


When the Nerevar came to proclaim himself Horator, Ias refused and was forced into combat, where he was direly wounded. He fled the Telvanni in fear of the Nerevar, and gathered what was left of his forces to join Dagoth Ur in the red mountain. There, he helped bring down ghostgate and lead his forces to Ebonheart where he was promptly defeated and sent into hiding. He waited in the depths of the caverns, and watched as Dagoth Ur fell and Imperial strength grew. With Hatred in his soul, he researched ways to gain immortality by becoming Deadra himself....


But I haven't been able to make a script that functions that way, so the story remains incomplete. :yucky:


Name: Ias/Sai Uvirith

Race: Khajiit

Birthsign: The Mage

Class: Sorcerer

Occupation: Former ArchMagister of House Telvanni, Current Vagabond

Home: Yakin Cave -- Former 6th House base.

Wardrobe: Dazzling purple pants and shirt, but an unfortunate need for spectacles due to genetic complications.


His abilities lay heavily in magic, but he can punch(hand to hand) quite hard. He wallops his subordinates often if they fail him!

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  • 3 months later...
I started a new Morrowind campaign about two weeks ago with darkelf mage/alchemist. I added Laura Craft, Constance the wood elf thief and wolf companion as companions. I also selected Astronach as birthsign because it gives 50 % magic absorption and large amount of magic with high intelligence and it's easy create restore magic potions or visit altars.
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