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Mothership Zeta Bug


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I've encountered an issue in which after completing the spacewalk and entering the upper section of the mothership, pressing the button to activate the teleporter to bring your friends in does not work. When the button is pressed, all that happens is a beeping noise and the button resets. The teleporter does not activate and the allied nps do not appear. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how have you resolved it? This is very frustrating as I cannot move father or even back from my current position and am stuck here until I can find a solution for this.
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A large number of players are affected by this, yet an equally large number are unaffected by this.


The only solutions I have found so far on all forums is to reload a save from before the space walk and re-trying it again, as many times as it takes.


As many times as it takes. *sigh*

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