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Scrapyard: The Robotic Haven


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The scrapyard is there sitting in the middle of the map doing barely nothing. There is that nice big box of a building that apparently has no door. What a bad use of space!


I know if I found my self in the capital wasteland I'd head to the scrapyard to create a city out of all the raw bits....especially if I where a Sentient AI!!!


Rough Concept Doc:


Fallout 3


Subject: "The Scrapyard: A Robotic Haven"


Inhabitants: "Sentient Robots"

Guards: Military Robots

Citizens/Merchants: Brain-Bot/Protect-a-Tron/Mr. Handy

Mayor: Super Mainframe Computer



-Defend the city from the Outcasts- ((They are trying to steal their AIs!))

-Acquire new Robots- ((In order for them to make new citizens))

-The Great Admin- ((Track down the man that created the AI))



New Assets:

-New Spoken Dialog

-New City

-New Merchants

-New Quests

-New Companion?

-New PC home?




An idea I thought up back before the DLCs started unloading. Started working on but ended up stopped working on when I tried to move into dialog.


If enough people are interested and motivated to make a mod of this nature happen, I'd be willing to help organize the group to work on the project.


Its pretty straight forward, Hardest part I reckon would be scripting quests and dialog, since this mod can easily use all the art assets already in the game.


Can do voice acting easily using some audio flangers and the like to create a robotic tone to the dialog.*



Questions, Insults, Comments, Suggestions, Interested in contributing? Feel free to post.



[[*Example wav file attached.]]

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Should be a full sentence, no matter it at least gives the idea.


I'd continue to attempt to build it, but I don't have much knowledge on scripting the dialog.


I like to program, but don't have enough time/patience to self teach myself how to get it working.


...If some one knew of a tutorial....I'd be appreciative if some one could link it.

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That would be a bit weird, it would conflict with the games pre generated encounter there(Dogmeat fighting a raider band) you'd have to find a way to mod around it.
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I thought about that back when I started making it, I was thinking the bulk of the city would be an interior area in that central block.


Then the entrance would be put on a side not facing dogmeat.


So long as the little area that he is in is not modified I'm fairly certain it would work fine, or can be rigged to be elsewhere, or the like.


Far as the other lil tid bits around the scrapyard, those can be repositioned easily enough to accommodate the city.

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I'd be worried about where you're going to put this city of yours. The capital wasteland is already crowded as it is.

Other than that, a city full of protectrons with a supercomputer for a mayor is outstanding.


I'll definitely be looking forward to this.

+1 motivation.

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