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Everything posted by hardkopy

  1. Didn't recognise NMM 0.63.19 so import was not possible, but that's not a big deal as it did recognise the mods I had installed and auto checked those I had activated. The UI is intuitive and it was an easy few seconds setting up the file paths so everything functions from my F:Drive. Setting programs to run from tools section is a no brainer and acts similar to win10 task bar which is very convenient. Absolutely love the savegame manager which is something I missed in NMM. Chrome automatically recognised I had Votex installed and changed the download buttons appropriately. Downloading, installing mods from nexus mods couldn't be any simpler and I feel the same for enabling and disabling said mods. What I particularly like is I can return to NMM (though why would I want to) because Vortex has not influenced NMM in any way whatsoever. NMM is intact the way I left it and If I close Vortex, load NMM I can begin my game where I left off with all mods intact. There was no need to activate an empty profile within NMM prior to activating Vortex. In summary, everything about Vortex is pleasant to use and I for one am Bloody Impressed:)
  2. I think one of the killers of endorsements was the delay between download and permission to endorse. Installing and testing a mod straight away is more likely to get an endorsement than one which has been downloaded and left to a later date. As well, if the % of endorsements were to be calculated upon the ratio of nexus paid members to that of non paying members, the endorsement figures may be much higher. Paid members would be more inclined to playtest, endorse mods as opposed to those unpaid who download and play. The old method of providing a reason why you endorse a file, should, I think, be made mandatory as would not only lessen "false" endorsements but would also provide the author a clear view upon what is though of his/her mod. About ads, I don't mind them at all if I am receiving a good/great experience from a website and would allow them to show even I were in position to be a premium member. I am also guilty of bloating your numbers as I was under the impression that PPC "pay per click" was also part of the ad pay regime, therefore I clicked w/o purchase. I am now aware that PPC is on the receiver and not the viewers end so will cease this annoying activity forthwith along with my most heartfelt apologize.
  3. LOL @ Nekhanimal. Go for it dude, that board is AWESOME! @ Zeuzer If I don't miss my guess, that is an entirely different game where the vehicle remains in the centre of the screen while the scenery moves around it, giving the illusion movement. The vehicle animations make it more convincing. Jees Frank you got me scratching my head :) There is a "PushAwayActor" variable embedded into scripts which triggers within a certain radius of a linked reference. The HoverChair and other mods similar use this variable to give the illusion of colliding with a creature and or npc. you'll notice with the HoverChair that there are some NV creature and groups it does not affect. This is because I haven't added them to the PushAwayActor list yet. This will done in a future update hopefully not too far away. The problem isn't the push pull thing, Frank. Unlike Oblivions horses, there is no bone (Bip02) on which to seat the player. Thats where Velivs motorcycle comes in. He took Xsilver's Fenrir motorcycle from Oblivion and made it the base on which the player is seated (Bip01). There is an extra bone in Oblivion creatures (Bip02) which is missing from fallout skeleton series specifically because Bethesda never intended there be any mounts in Fallout due to the small map area. I'm not clued up on the animation thing, if I was, I'd make my own vehicle skeleton complete with turning wheels for third view and steering wheel for ist person. So, I have to make do with the skeletons available which are barely satisfactory. Your right on track with the animal thing. I don't think there is one vehicle mod that doesn't use a creature skeleton of one type or another (even the hover board uses a cockroach) because (in my experience) without a skeleton, the model is invisible. The creature animations are also used to direct the vehicle and apply collision. The original hoverchair used 3 eyebots, for collision detection (the sentry bot was just for show). To date, blowflys, cockroach, centaurs, all robots, and other creatures have been used in one form or another for their skeleton and animations, You seem very keen to learn the process, so I'll direct you here... http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2126&start=0&hilit=vehicles where you will glean information from the pioneers themselves. Wow! its been a long time since I went there. Talk about nostalgia, I still have Veliv's and (I think) FR_dZastreux original files. Thanks for the shovel Frank, I'll be sure to keep it clean and well sharpened.
  4. The Brahmin pulling the caravan was done by arcoolka (sp) as a teaser video for RTS but it never actually made it to the mod. Now down to brass tacks! The reason Bethesda did not put drivable vehicles into the fallout FO3 and New Vegas is that the Gamebryo engine does not support true driveable vehicles, so modders have to adlib and find ways to push pull static models by either adding a bone to the model that becomes the player control point (Veliv), wearing it as an armor and having a platform which moves under & with the player(J3X), using it as a weapon (Nekhanimal and Killerbees), or AndyW's method (which I don't fully understand because I suk at math), or illyism method of freezing the player to a creature skeleton. All of the above mentioned should be commended for their brilliance because even a shitty vehicle mod is a breakthrough, and extremely hard to pulloff. Collision is mostly non existent on the reference the player drives and methods of creating the illusion of collision have to be sought but I won't go into this as it would take too long to explain. Basically it uses other objects around the model and calculations for gravity and hit radius. Essentially the player is hidden by making it invisible or frozen in pose while its controls are used to move the vehicle. The vehicle has to constantly remain with the player (because they are not attached)for each frame of movement and every cell change on the map which is extremely cpu/gpu intensive due to the several calculations per second. I could go on forever endeavoring to explain in my confusing way so I'm going to stop there. Sufficit to say that if Badlands was moddable besides hex editing, thats where I would put New Vegas. Nothing I do or have done is unique and is directly attributed to one some or all of these great modders. The french corvega, is a brilliant concept and I can't wait for it come out and I also hope the author allows usage of his files because I can't do animation and that car is perfect for one of my projects. Unfortunately this is not Grand Theft Auto (my teething ground) so what you are asking is virtually impossible due to game engine restraints. The closest that can be done is similar to the hoverchair by utilising menus on key in order to enter an interior cell (your mobile home). I do have other ideas but will have to see if they are plausible before committing. So essentially, you enter (mount) your vehicle, drive to you destination, dismount, access a menu giving you options to either open storage, perform maintenance such as (refueling re energising etc) or enter the vehicle interior. I don't know how many of you remember Jasons pilotable boat from oblivion where you could take your companions into the interior and tell them to wait while you physically sailed the boat to another location, on which arriving, you could retrieve your companions from its interior cell. This is what I'm working on for a mobile home, base, whatever. Its doable, (Arlix did a similar thing for J3X vertibird in FO3 by utilising a menu system) but to actually open a door and enter?, I think is impossible, because the vehicle is the whole activation point. On a happier note, I have been given a train resource to use for my Trains Planes and Automobiles project complete with animation and have begun laying down the blueprint for the whole concept of train travel within the Mojave desert. I hope I haven't shattered your enthusiasm, but rather given you insight into the mechanics of creating a believable moving vehicle for this game engine. OAN (on another note) When people talk about realisim in this series, it makes me laugh. Your telling me after 200 years, the survivors and thier children of the fallout can weild and repair discovered technolgy but don't know how to fix a simple fuel driven vehicle. They make concrete for dams but can't fix the roads? they can send rockets into space but can't fix airplanes (Hah I knew this was an American spell checker!) . Anyhoo, you see what I'm getting at? This is a fantasy game, people! REALISM has no place! Cheers Chris Taylor nz
  5. read nifscope tuts, learn how to copy paste nistripdata from one file to the other. I guarantee you'll surprise yourself and be modding in no time. basically waht you do is replace the bits you don't want with the ones that you do want. I think for this one use either lucas simms or the ranger duster.
  6. I have skycappa's paint mod (wastelandtagging v1.1) and in the readme, he grants permission for its modification only requiring due credit. The file is 1.8mb and includes meshes and textures. If you can't find it, msg me and I'll email it to you.
  7. Title says it all! I want a reverse look camera activated by the block (alt) so the player can look back toward thier companions while traveling. Ta vely mooch :)
  8. I76 RULES (I loved that game:) I think your getting ahead of yourselves with plans, admirable ideas of course yet hardly practical considering the gamebryo engine does not support character driven vehicles inluding true rideable mounts. There are 2 ways to go that I know of. The first is a vehicle as an armor, and 2nd is using creature skeleton/s for locomotion. All vehicles made for FO3 to date are based upon these concepts. The road warrior Car is an armor that you put on and take off. the boats and sub use Velivs motorcycle to seat the player and a mr gutsy skeleton for locomotion. I am still unable to get involved with modding because as yet I do not have a personal connection to the net. However, I have been experimenting various avenues and trying avoid using nvse due to it not working w/o steam beta and requiring to be connected to the steam community and I have found (or atleast uncovered) a third way which requires that the player be hidden using head motion for directing the vehicle somwhat like a remote controlled car. This is not a new idea (check out PTRobobomb mod) its a doable concept for vehicles although the camera needs to be altered to follow behind the vehicle and not stay on the player. Another way (using nvse) is take control of a creature (vehicle) utilising halo4lifes mindcontrol mod (with permission of course. As this mod sets the camera behind the creature, allows you to control the creatures direction and utilises the creatures attack template (weaps on vehicles). Love the model btw. hope you put em up as modders resource so I can playwith it and try to make it move. I also loved Carmageddon :)
  9. there is a mod for FO3 which allowed you to place multiple weapons on your back while carrying your active weapon. I don't know the author sorry but a search for "multiple+weapons+FO3" or similar should bring it up.
  10. there is a spray paint mod made by Skykappa for fallout3 which sprays several colours onto the collision mesh and lasts for several seconds which could be ported if permission was sought.
  11. As long as you have the mesh and texture for the holster, it is an easy port. (I have it on my NV char as well as the backpacks). copy the mesh and texture to falloutnv data folder, load the meash in nifscope and make sure the texture paths match where you copied to. load the esp up in FO3 edit, click on the header and change it from fallou3.esm to falloutnv.esm (for a lot of mods, thats all you need to do) delete the worldspace but keep the cell (if its interior). load up the geck, find the item and drag it into the player inventory or place it in the world somwhere convenient. Clean the mod with FNVEditor, load and play.
  12. Of course Bethesda Obsidian didn't have to ask modders permission to use thier mods in creating NV becuase they ( Bethesda) already own the assets. I played the game from start to finish (still have a heck of a lot quests to complete thanks to the game xtension mod) but NV is rife with FO3 mods from weapons to npc's dancers and general gameplay. It was like running through an FO3 mod museum. (Enter the troll) I wonder if the modders got credit for thier work?
  13. The first bike (vehicle) mod was made by Veliv and is the basis of all driveable vehicle mods (with the exception of AndyW's Hoverchair) following it. Veliv used the motorcycle Fenrir (by xsilver)from Oblivion mod fame as the seating bone (Bip01) for the player in FO3. Veliv is the true pioneer of of FO3 vehicular travel. J3X (pioneer of the speed script) and others improved upon Veliv's work, hence the motorcyle, chimera, vertibird, etc followed. If you load my (bad) mods mesh files into nifskope and resize Bip01, you will see Velivs bike becuase without it, the vehicles won't move. So as awful as that bike is, it will be used in NV as soon as nvse is updated to use the current steam build because I can't find the steam beta which nvse requires.
  14. I'm sorry, its impossible because the horse code was dumped by Bethesda to force the player to walk and explore the wasteland which incidently is a much smaller map than is Oblivion. They really did intend for there not to be any driveable / flyable / sailable vehicles in FO3. The mounting / dismounting code is nonexistant, but thanks to fose we can script the mounting animation sequences provided we have a suitable animation file. Getting it to move in a desirable and realistic way however is nigh on impossible (you've seen creatures walk up hills on weird angles) because you cannot rotate the player, npc whatever on z axis (no leaning to terrain)
  15. Owned! is probably what your looking for. You can own houses moriart'ys bar and other venues and put npc's to work.
  16. I'd like a game ready ferry boat model similar to the Duchess Gambit that I can add my sailing script to. I already have the Duchess Gambit sailing in my own game but the script will only work on a modified nif file which I cannot distribute in accordance to the eula.
  17. G'day I'm looking for somone to make an amor which makes the player appear to be sitting for my vehicle mod. Myluk did it in Morrowind with his Flyable Dwemer Glider which I have mirrored for FO3. I've tried using animations but they glitch horribly and do not allow the player full funtionality when movment is disabled. I will need the following armors made to give the illusion that player is sitting on... diner chair ( I think this is the best for cars & trucks ) motorcycle ( self explanatory ) I think the leather armor would be best as it is most common and fits with most player made outfits. I also need some specific animation where the player is hanging from a parachute and able to draw pistol and shoot while desending. Currently I use Backsteppo's animations which are close to the desired effect but need tweaking to allow the player to hold a steering wheel in vehicles for 1st person veiw. I also need a GTS Water map with a decent mainland and a few islands the player can travel to by watercraft in realtime. I am considering GTS Australia for this map as it is close to my homeland New Zealand and pretty much mirrors my thoughts on how it should look. Read encounters at sea modern day pirate style. 2 Vendors to sell parts and equipment. 1 for land and air vehicles, 1 for watercraft. Quests to find and repair the vehicles. Given that the above can be done, I will be adding driveable vehicles and pilotable watercraft to FO3 and GTS. I have the formula almost perfected and its easy to add to any object within a few minutes so I'll be looking for new models to work with if anyone is interested in making some. Scripting help. My scripting knowledge is basic and I would like to make these vehicles as dynamic as possible so the player can use mounted weapons while either moving or stationary. Current usable vehicles (in game and working) Watercraft; Trawler Speedboat Ferry boat (can't release mesh sorry) A new model fro this would excellent. Minisub (my own creation using the virgo2) Working on jet ski & rowboat Land vehicles; Truck (Tipper, Army, Civilian) Motorcycle with and without weapons Mobile Base w weaps Sky vehicles; Glider (nif file completed needs collision) Parachute (an idea) Skyship (Basically a floating base which moves 2000 metres above the land) Thats it for now, I'll add more as I think of it. Please feel free to make suggestions and or offer help as I'd like to make this a community project. Cheers
  18. @R4za, Ranger910, skase007 Thankyou, that is exactly the kindof comments I was lokking for when I released the mod (now hidden till update) I still don't know if it works on others systems and have one very desperate person trying to get it to work with my help. As to the water thing, I did attemp to expand the water areas in F03 but water is female dog to work with because it not simply a hieght map for water that you can adjust, it is also placeable water mesh which are at varying hieghts so big gaps are left in the land when messing with them. I also considered going out of the map borders as there is a massive amount of map which isn't used but I think that poses a problem with npcs (not sure on this one) The other option is to make a GTS map world of mostly water and a few Islands and I thiunk this is the best way to go and one I considering seriosly. Once again thank you all for your comments and giving me direction on this. Cheers
  19. I actually like the idea of turning that spot into a merchant yard, and that pic you posted of Alkatraz has given me idea for the boats and other water craft (read jet ski, nearly done:)
  20. That still being done I was working on the car and had the garge built from the pics you sent, then I got sidetracked when I discovered the boat thing and the garage kindof truned into a marina LOL. Cheers, it'll be fun to work on a bit of variety.
  21. Make it smaller and more dynamic. Give the player the ability to sent npcs to allocated cells. Include a torture room and set timed gaurd patrols. Prisoners could also be forced into a kindof fightclub senario to enterain paying guests. Just an idea.
  22. @Jackpack Collision I find a problem and resort to copying collsion meshes from other nif files but they don't always sit right. 3ds max I'm getting a handle on and have some success at getting the model in game. So yeah, my skills are improving :)
  23. There doesn't seem to be much interest in this. I released the Springvale boatyard containing a single vessel that the player can sail. I got somthing like 2500 views, 267 downloads and only 8 comments. Endorsements I don't really care about but I got 1. Maybe they aren't dynamic enough and thats where the team comes in because I can make a simple script that will move an object with the player and allow the player to retain full funtionality while moving. Thus far, I have a Trawler, Speedboat, Ferry boat and (made from scratch) minisub that the player can pilot. All have been tested and work to my satisfaction barring that of the minisub as I need to find a way of activating it underwater. Otherwise it works great and was completely built inside nifskope using bethesda vanilla nif files. So ok, I can do the basics, get it in game and working however, dynamics such as sound and mounted weapons are somwhat beyond me at this point and would take several more months for me to learn beyond my basic scripting knowledge. Management is another issue as I am highly disorganised and jump from one thing to another w/o finishing the first (I've had restart several times becuase I've lost the files I've been working on LOL. So yeah, a manager is essential. Modelling and textures, It would nice to have new models to work with although not essential, some variety to the vanilla vehicles would be an asset. Aslo I have a pilotable Ferry boat but can't release it because I would have to upload the DLC nif and thats a no no. So a ferryboat would be a good start. Quest creators, Vendor Npc's to sell parts to the player to keep thier vehicle operational. Also a Quest per vehicle to find and repiar it. World creators, I can make a simple map and concept but navmeshing and dynamic detailing takes time away from creating the vehicles. Maybe a website given that the scope of this can be as small or big as you like pending interest. If you can think of anything else, please feel free to make suggestions. OK!@ There you have it! Driveable vehicles and Sailable boats + Sub. Interested or not ?????
  24. Jackpack, send me your tank. if its a game ready nif file, I can make it move and possibly use the robobrain to animate the tracks.
  25. The tank is from the WWII weapons mod and is a container, you cannot drive it.
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