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('-_'-); Well, at any rate, It'll be a while before I'm able to get mods working with my Oblivion. Even worse is that I can't open the console command because the game doesn't recognize the "~" key. So, I suppose I should tell a bit more about myself here.

I like many games, I used to be big into JRPGs. I suppose Final Fantasy is the only one I still follow (Yay mainstream!) I also like alot of action games, and overall, I'm a pretty diverse well rounded gamer. (I'm awesome at racing games, though. Don't know why, I just am.) Was a little while ago when I got a PS3, I got Oblivion for it. It's the only Elder Scrolls game I played, and when I heard about all the mods that could be done with it, I figured I just had to get the PC version. (Which runs surprisingly well, by the way.) I got the GotY version, but I havent installed the KotN or Shiv expansions yet. I also heard stuff about a battlehorn castle add on, but... *shrugs*


My real life hobbies would be cooking, baseball, sword collecting, music and drawing. Not much else to say. I'd be a terrible conversationalist if we ever met in person.


Okay, about the character I run as:




Birthsign:The Mage

Attributes: Intelligence and Willpower

Class: Custom-Alchemist









Personality: Quiet and methodical.


Dislikes-Having things go unsmoothly.


And, I'm gonna add my Fallout 3 guy. Might as well.


Ethnicity: Half Japanese (Asian by game's standards)









Skills include-

-Small Guns


-Hand to hand

Personality: Cynical Grouch.

Likes:Strong booze and the kick of a .44 .

Dislikes: Work, stupid raiders, the brotherhood of steel, supermutants, egghead scientists, elitist tenents, the Enclave, deathclaws, melodramatic vampires, and Dad.


I run other character setups as well, but these are my main.


That's it about me, and my "avatars."

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With your console issue, are you sure your pressing the right button? While it's the tide key (~) on US Keyboards, it's the (`) key on UK keyboards and is obviously different on regional variants. As a rule of thumb, on the default keyboard map, it's the key to the left of the "1" key.


If you are pressing the right key, what operating system are you using? Vista has some problems opening the console sometimes.

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Even worse is that I can't open the console command because the game doesn't recognize the "~" key. So, I suppose I should tell a bit more about myself here.
Looks like vista problem.


Try "Ring of Consoles" mod (if you can't do anything else), sorry, can't give the link. (have to go to sleep)

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