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Legolas Hobbit Armor?


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I saw a while back someone posted a request for legolas' hobbit armor (along with several other requests) but only saw one response to it regarding tauriel's daggers. I can post pics of his armor from the movie and anything that will help, it would be awesome to make this a craftable armor like the scout armor (LOVE That mod btw) thank you!!



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Bump! and here are the images I promised. I tried to get as many as I could that really showed it off. If someone made a mod for a version with the feather-mail and one without that would be SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!! I think it looks in-line with skyrims style too and I love the idea of being able to blend 2 of my fav fantasy worlds a bit. I will continue to request this until enough people tell me to piss off that I just give up ;)


Also if anyone can recommend some good legolas style hair, that would be awesome, I have all the apachii stuff and none of it really fits quite what I'm looking for, what annoys me is that the hair in Elder scrolls online is amazing for male elves, I feel like the male selection for everything in the modding community are very limited...but I digress. Thank you for any and all who take a look at this and try and help! I wish I had the skill to do it myself and I would. You would make me the happiest skyrim player ever for this!


Thank you!



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It would be cool to have someone make both, like almost treat the shoulder armor/chest armor like a cloak or hood. I would be happy with either, OR if someone wanted just to add the armor as an attachment to the already existing nightingale reskin that looks like the legolas armor from the original trilogy that would be awesome. Personally I would prefer a whole new outfit as I would love to see what some modders could come up with. At this point it seems like there is very little/no interest in this ha, I would even settle for someone reskinning the Galadhrim armor here into a high res/ more metal looking armor, I think this skin is great but the armor texture doesnt look quite right in my humble opinion



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