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Divine Poison/Poison the undead


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Of all the imbalanced game mechanics in skyrim, what really ticks me off is how most enemies I face are resistant to poison or immune to poison because they are undead or something else. Seriously, almost all the enemies faced when dungeon crawling are Draugr or some such undead, your up against vampires and more undead in Dawngaurd, and there is a fair amount of undead or immune to poison enemies in Dragonborn as well.


While there are many poison and alchemy overhauls and such, I think it would be a fun idea to have a mod that adds what is essentialy holy water, only more elder scrolls-y.


Perhaps these damage undead potions could be directly crafted, or maybe you could make a regular poison and have it blessed at a shrine by a priest or one of the divines - or perhaps by Meridia since she hates the undead. Maybe instead of turning a poison into "holy water", you would use a restoration potion.

I'm not exactly sure how the mechanics would work without the use of scripts since anything with an undead tag is considered immune to poison (except the player sometimes is can still be damaged by poison with 100% resistance or vampirism for whatever annoying bug) but thats mostly why im posting here, the other reason being that I'm so fed up with the CK's bugs and glitches and whatnot - I've used morrowind's construction set and fallout NV's GECK and have put up with the bugs and glitches in there, but I just have no time for skyrim's CK.


Anyway thanks for reading through my ideas and complaints, post your own here

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