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/Another/ CS Question


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Hello again,


I was just wondering how come CS doesn't create an .esp properly for me. I had gotten some eyes that I made into my game but I didn't like the way they looked so I went to edit them and put them back in (the same way I did before) and it'll say the file doesn't exist. If I look for it while saving a different .esp from CS I will see it there, but when I search my entire computer for it, nothing shows up. I've never gotten a (very basic) custom race to work, either. Am I doing something horribly wrong? I've included two screenshots in case they describe my problem better than I just did. TL;DR: Where is my .esp?

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Since you're in "program files (x86)", have you tried looking for the file in the virtual store folder somewhere inside your User folder?


Just found mine in "/Users/<xxx>/AppData/Local/Virtual Store/Program Files (x86)/" and low and behold a significant part of Blender was installed into there instead of into the 'real' program files folder.

(Guess me and my UAC will need to have a talk next!)


That's where ever since Vista the newer Windows OS make 3rd party apps put and access files into and from in order to 'protect' your program files folder from programmatic modification, whether you authorized this modification or not.

I'm not sure it will mess with the CS itself already, but any mod manager or even BOSS might end up moving your ESPs out of your program files and into this folder instead.


To make things worse, the Explorer will still show files where they are supposed to be, while any other means to locate them will not show them inside your program files folder anymore, as physically they aren't there but elsewhere.

It's actually 'lying' to you, making you think everything's alright, while in reality things are everything but, and your files are all safely stored far away from where the game can ever find them. (I hate OS that do that, lying to the user.)


That's why it's always the first advice 'not' to install Oblivion into the default location, somewhere inside program files, or any similarly protected system folder.

(I've actually had people complain in the past "But I already moved it to my Desktop!" Well, guess what? That's no less protected territory than any other part of Windows either, of course.)


If you find it where I pointed you to, and this keeps happening to you in future as well, it may be time to consider a re-install of Oblivion 'outside' of Windows' folders to stay clear of this UAC interruption once and for all.

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Hmm, as you can see it on your screenshots it must be either inside your program files or inside the virtual store just showing up in program files.

How exactly do you go looking for it? Do you only issue a Search, or do you browse to the folders in question with the Explorer and take an actual look inside?


As for the CS not finding it while you can clearly select it from a folder the CS itself could read the contents of and show you, maybe it is some weird form of file read permission error.

Have you tried granting the CS admin rights already, by issuing it to "run as Admin" from either the right-click context menu for one start up or by setting its compatibility mode so it does that automatically from then on?


Your game being installed inside the program files folder is the issue, and will be with many other things in future, as anything outside of Windows' protection will not cause any such trouble or was never once reported to do.

I'm just unsure about the specifics of what exactly is going on to lead to this error message and whether your ESP is where it's told to be or where else it could be now.

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You will probably need to enable Windows Explorer to shown hidden and system files/folders. In the WinXP version of Windows Explorer it's found under Tools > Folder Options and then the View tab, but I'm certain Microsoft will have tried to hide it somehow differently in Vista or greater.

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