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Double pistols?


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Is it possible to have double pistols made for Fallout 3? Firing alternately would be the ideal, but simultaniously would be ok too. Any single handed weapon, pistol, SMG, that lovely Desert Eagle mod.
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I'm pretty sure no. This was never achieved in oblivion either with dual wieldable weaponry. the only real alternative i can think of would be a weapon that just has an animation for a second pistol in the left hand that would also need animations for the proper way to hold them and look like they are firing. then maybe have this weapon do twice as much damage to simulate two guns firing. it would basically be a mock up ( > _>)
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The only to do this would be in 1st person view, the model will have to have the guns seperate, they would need custom projectiles, and the one in the left hand won't have a hand holding it, you will only be holding bosth guns with the right.

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how about an unarmed weapon with guns instead of brass knuckles? we dont really need bullets, just add range to the weapon. it'll look as if the player shoot with every swipe


Hmm, I know what you mean, if it was something like a smg pistol, or something new like twin micro uzis or P90s, they fire fast and have enough muzzle flash to cover the lack of actual projectile. But think it would be too 'mock up', forcing 1st person only would limit this too much.


So, I personally will drop the idea!


Cheers people.

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bethsedha sure do like making their games in a way that prevent epic mods, lol. Oh well.


I'm just saying...a game with guns, how can you not think about dual guns now days. Then again, GTA4 didnt have dual weapons. But it also didn't have everything the previous ones had.



Seems like all the games are getting advance, but at the same time are going backwards. Like shooting out a light bulb in today's games, you can rarely do that now, whats up with that. In oblivion you have full outfits, and pieces of outfits. But in Fo3 you just have full outfits by default. Eh, at least its still fun to play.Who has time to shoot light bulbs and play dress up anyway... :(

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In oblivion you have full outfits, and pieces of outfits. But in Fo3 you just have full outfits by default. Eh,


Definitely, then go back to Morrowind, where the ammount of clothing and armout was easily double or tripple that of Oblivion, left and right shoulders, boots, gauntlets, and countless bits of armour.


As for shouting out lights, pretty much just Splinter Cell, Thief: The Dark Project, that was a game! no duel weapons though but thats because it was all bows and arrows!...


Anyhoo! Im sure Bethesda has SOMEBODY on their team capable of things like these! :confused:

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