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About Jinxxed0

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  1. In response to post #91957498. #91958333, #91964623, #91969593, #91974693, #91977193 are all replies on the same post. I thought they specifically said "the games will be on platforms where game pass exists". Which hopefully is bad wording for "you can buy the game on PC, xbox, and where ever else we can get our gamepass service on. Making a bunch of single player games exclusive to a subscription service is such a bad idea that I'm sure they realize it. the idea makes the Epic Store exclusives seem less terrible, honestly.
  2. You could use the console from Cyber Engine Tweaks to make spawn a new one maybe. Not sure if it would act as a new Skippy or if it would just continue as if it were the same Skippy. it's worth testing though. if yu can find the item code
  3. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/users/104258583 No comments tab, no bug reports tab, no discussions tab, and the account was created today. It's pretty suspicious with all these red flags. Having a way to add attribute points to test builds would be handy, but It's certainly not worth the risks with the way things look.
  4. Keanu Reeves/Johnny Silverhand wasn't going to be in the game until 2018. They started the game in 2012. They scrapped everything just to make the game about his character and it shows. They wasted a ton of content just to change the story which is why the story feels incomplete and so many other characters aren't in the game. Fudge Muppet did a pretty video talking about it. I also thought we'd get a ton of characters who would become friends or enemies and shape the way the story or questlines play out, but that wasn't the case. I think the Johnny Silverhand stuff should have just been DLC. Maybe the stuff they scrapped will be DLC instead and will be a little better?
  5. Holy Moly. Thank you! I had to use a youtube tutorials for how to do that, but I eventually got it! Thank you so much! This is actaully going to make texturing things in general a lot better now. I can't thank you enough for the help. i really appreciate it.
  6. to get everything out of the way, I've put custom textures on nifs via nifskope hundreds of times over the years. I've checked the file paths on this at least 10+ times now and it's correct. Every other mesh I'm working with works fine and shows the textures just fine. The textures I'm trying to apply to this mesh are in the correct folder. It's just this one mesh that would display any texture no matter what. I've even tried converting to an obj and back to a nif, but nothing is working. I've been trying to get this thing to take a texture all day. I've tried a bunch of different textures and none of them work either. It just shows up as a white blank texture. https://mega.nz/file/dgAAGSrZ#hwmW2G3i83pvEUpJ_kDQzbZQ9UJkNyra7s3GpX2ocEI here's a download for it if anyone could take a look at it and tell me what might be wrong. I'm at a complete loss. After years of doing this, I've never run into this problem.
  7. I eventually figured this out on my own after playing around with Nifskope. In BSLightingShaderProperty, turn on the flags Vertex Alpha in Shader Flag 1 and then turn on Assume Shadowmask in Shader Flag 2 This is just in case someone in the future finds this thread through a search.
  8. I'm able to add transparencies to things just fine, but I'm wondering if there's a way to set it so that the mesh reacts to shadows correctly. For example, when under a tree or building structure, the clothes with transparencies act as if they're still under light and look bright/glow in the dark. I assume it's possible to fix this considering hair has transparency and isn't glow in the dark. Maybe there's a setting in nifskope that i'm missing?
  9. edit: SOLVED Okay, I found the solution. I hope this can help others who find this via google. I had too many animations/poses installed. Having 15,000 or more animations installed at once causes the CK to crash. But with about 14,800 installed, it no longer crashes. It has been working for a long time, but now all of a sudden it's crashing without any changes being made. I've tried about 5 or 6 times now and it's always crashing no matter what I do. I've tried updating my drivers, I've checked my ini settings and everything is the same as I've always had it when it was working (enableaudio is set to 0), I've restarted my PC, I've googled for a solution, but haven't found anything like this. So now I'm here hoping to find a solution. I don't know if there was maybe some kind of Windows 10 update messing things up or what. That's the only think I can think of that's changed with my computer. My game still runs fine. I just can't load any cells (interior nor exterior) in the creation kit. It just crashes. No error messages, no error sounds, just a little bit of loading and then an instant crash. There has to be some kind of fix for this
  10. For the last few months, I've been having trouble adding transparency to clothes. I've done it in the past, but it seems like it's not sticking lately. I have NifSkope 2.0 Dev 7 if that matters. I recall it working on older versions of nifskope I so I guess I need to revert back to one of those? I'm also working with LE meshes. I add the alpha channel to the texture in photoshop I add the NiAlphaProperty to the part of the outfit I'm working on. But it's not working at all and i'm not sure what I'm doing wrong:
  11. Yeah, maybe limiting the amount of these prompts that supporters see could work out. Or even maybe making it less jarring for supporters. Like, how it stands out with the white/light grey background on the files page. Maybe it could still be there but make the background color the same dark grey as the rest of the files panel. I personally don't mind the changes too much, but i also don't like them either. They don't make the user experience better for me or anything. They just don't bother me so much. They've already improved the download by getting rid of the count down. The extra clicking and the list of benefits parts is still kind of...icky though. But i mean, beggars can't be choosers. Giving a little bit of support to the site grants you a bit of benefits. It's debatable whether or not if it should give you more. Maybe the promise of no ads including nexus ads could apply to supporters from a certain date like a grandfathering type of system, but I have no idea how difficult that would be. There's gotta be a middle ground though. I'm fine with everything personally, but the list showing you the differences between free downloads and premium downloads similar to those shady download sites is kind of obnoxious. I'm curious if that specific tactic works on many people. Like when downloading mods from various sites that use those hosting sites that offer premium downloads. Do people who download a ton of free mods really actually sign up to those sites and pay them money for faster downloads or do they just accept the count downs, the slower speeds, and the other stuff meant to annoy them into buying something. Because i've never been tempted to do it myself. For the nexus specifically, I'll probably use my donation points for premium, but that's something I can do because i just happen to make a few mods that have been opted in for DP. If I were a regular user, I don't know, honestly.
  12. Yeah, it's a bit overkill to have a ton of buttons, but i suppose as more mods get added, it's understandable that they need to make money because the server space is going to need to get bigger bigger. Before, they were just hosting files for a few games, but now they're hosting files for all the games and they have staff to pay. I'm sure they discussed the best ways to try and get more premium members. Maybe they'll add more features to it to entice more people to get on board. All things considered, clicking a few extra buttons isn't that bad. They could do something really bad like take away certain features from Supporters and make them premium only for example.
  13. In response to post #73980503. #73981973, #73982843 are all replies on the same post. There's also supporter images. Which I may or may not have gotten premium for. I also got to support the site a little bit at the same time.
  14. Same. I wonder if they reverted back to it temporarily for technical reasons. I was hoping they'd improved on it some more, like showing more games on the homepage like the old one shows and maybe have more links in the navigation bar. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to create a mod page on the new layout because on the old one, i can just hover over mods and click Add Mod. On the new one, I have to click "My Mods" and then on that page click "Add Mod". And then having a little thumbnail for the updates. If we're just permanently back to the old navigation layout though, that's fine with me. The new one didn't really improve on anything that I could see, but I'm sure there's something I was missing.
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