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Actual Courier Work


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So after playing this game for a long time i realized that while your supposed to be a courier, You don't actually do much courier work. And i thought about how a courier Mod could work. You could get jobs from somebody and just deliver packages across the wasteland, There could be a storyline as part of it or it could just be a bunch of quests in a row, Some could even be repeatable so that there's always something to do (perhaps frequently delivering supplies every in game week or something like that) While some might find this prospect a little boring, I for one think that it would add a whole new shade of enjoyment out of the game, To deliver packages across the place, Possibly encountering new kinds of obstacles such as interceptors and maybe people who want to keep you from delivering certain packages, the possibilities are quite large.


I would also like to acknowledge the New Vegas Bounties series which is essentially what i'm talking about but instead of bounty hunting you go about, and deliver packages to people.

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If you make it like the taxi missios from GTA, they become infinitely repeatable. No story, just delivery to random places. But I think Couriers are at will employees. They show up when they want. Nash was only pissed at Ulysses because he signed on, them backed out.
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