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Ground item creation issue with nifskope


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Anyone else having a problem with creating a ground item for jewelry? I am making a set of circlets and they work perfect on the head but I cannot make a ground model. I have exported as .3ds .obj and .nif from 3ds max 2012 and I cannot get a _GO version to show in the inventory unless I make it the actual one you wear but lowered to the ground instead of head height, but dropping that one and it disappears in the game. Is there some magic setting that needs to be done for this to work?

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Normally it should suffice to delete the Skin Block of the normal .nif (so it's not attached to the skeleton/bone anymore), uncheck the skinned shader (because it's no skinned object anymore). Replace the NiTriShape of a random go.nif using the default value, adjusting postion and done.



Edited by ghosu
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Nope that made a new problem.. circlet is now floating about on the head. looks nice in the inventory though...


*edit fixed... Only do that to the ground model. do not edit the one you wear completely the opposite of the video. That tutorial needs remade badly.. preferably not a video tutorial but step by step written instructions. Bad enough a video that's hard to follow but worse no sound.

Edited by jet4571
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Holy crap, i recorded that video just for you and of course that was for the ground model only - since you asked for the ground model, of course you still need the wearable .nif as well to copy the mesh.

I only add voice to such tiny personl clips if it's really necessary or when i've got my microphone around. For such an easy task suffices video + posted comment in this board, i see no reason to get my mic out of my basement studio just for that.

Edited by ghosu
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Sorry I have a hard time tracking video tutorials and what made it worse is I had the ground model all setup as a bsfadenode with no skin or bsdismemberment and not an ninode so when you were doing edits to the first nif that you wear was what threw me off. there was nothing saying that those edits were not required for the ground model until the texture set was already copied over. Also I am really bad with video tutorials, I cannot track them well and its always too fast at parts.

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