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Eye augmentation


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Like run multipliers etc, can there be a multiplier set for iron sight use only? If so, and to elaborate, you pay a lot of caps to have an eye augmentation, or you pay by finding some obscure stuff from all over the place to make it a worthy quest. Then in return this bionic eye gives a 1.50 multiplier on your eyesight, but only in aiming mode. So sniper rifles would have a great zoom, but more importantly, pistols, assault rifles and other, non-scoped weapons could have a 50% better zoom level.


And this, like a lot of perks, should be a real irem from a quest, fun and time consuming. I think a lot of perks could be done by back street surgeons instead, would make for a good location, several side-quests gathering body parts from gor bags, robots etc.


BUT! Is it possible to script?

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I smell some Deus Ex :D Amy I right ? This is a freekin' good idea. I hope someone will make it.



:rolleyes: Spot on! You can obviously do the same for many things... legs augmentation for example, v.little chance of recieving a critical hit, and add a multiplier to jumping, running. Arms, again, reduce criticals, slight negative multiplier on 'spread' on weapons, higher unarmed and melee, higher stregnth with arms, legs and body.

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Like the "adamantium skeleton" perk ? This qould come with perks, not with un-equipable stuffs.

You know, "after you got the augment, you need to get used to it, cous it stays until they bury you" :D

I have some ideas aswell.

For legs :

Mechanic enhancment from the common wealth that has levels. ( I'm looking for a name for this )

I meen :

on 1-st : "You have a basic config, that only saves you from damage from jumping from high places" ( limited )

on 2-nd : "You runs in duble speed"

on 3-d : "Gratuations, you earned the highest level of this augmentation, you can fall off the Tempenny tower with only a little damage, you runs 4 times faster than usual, and you can jump higher" ( maybe 2 or 4 times higher, I don't know )

Alternate 3-d : "Gratuations, youre now a ninja. When you in stealth mode no one can hear you, no matter what are you wearing, but this is have some penalties, you slow as hell" ( maybe 0.75 % of the original speed )


Eyes :

on 1-st : "Again a basic stuff. When you zoom whit a one handed gun your eyesight dubles"

on 2-nd : "Little more advenced tech. The eggheads place an implant into your eye nervs, that helps in the aiming"

( simply its more accurate aiming )

on 3-d : "You can shot a bloatflyes eye from 1 km-s, weapon spred is 0 with everithing"

Alternate 3-d : "You can see in the dark, its not much, but its cool, and now you don't need to use that crapy pip-boy light"


Skin :

on 1-st : Ist like the "barkskin" perk, but its enhanced a bit, ads plus 5% fire and rad resistance too

on 2-nd : 10% more damage, rad and fire resistance

on 3-d : 20% total damage res, 15% rad and fire res, plus a little bonus. ( still don't know, its an open question )

Alternate 3-d : 25 % total damage res, but only 10% fire and rad res


Have more if needed :D


If I spelled bad sometimes, it beocuse English is not my original language, sorry ;D

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