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<ooc: ..., strike one for disrupting the rp forum and being a general idiot. One more post like that and you're banned from the rp forums. Oh, and spam posts deleted.>


Ryan Tabanne had barely time for a "damnit, not again!" in the general direction of the gods before the teleport spell dropped him once again into the alternate reality that was becoming far too familiar for his taste. "Dotdotdotdot? Who the hell uses a name like that?" he wondered. A vision of his target flashed through his mind, an obvious answer to his question. "At least you're useful for something..." he though in the direction of the unknown diety as he reached down to pick up his rifle case, dropped carelessly on the ground by the same force that had brought him.


A few minuites and some careful sneaking later, he found his now familiar position on the roof across from the tavern. He began to unpack his rifle, checking to be sure everything was undamaged. To his satisfaction, interplanar travel was far kinder to inanimate objects than to his sanity. He loaded five bullets into the gun, then lined up his scope on the tavern windows. Inside, his target could be clearly seen, involved in some kind of bar fight. A fact that bought him a few moments longer to live, as his chaotic movement prevented a clear shot.


Finally the target stopped moving to draw back a hard punch on a tavern patron. Ryan wasted no time pulling the trigger, and sent a 7.62mm rifle bullet through the man's chest. He took his eyes off the target just long enough to load a new bullet, then held his crosshairs on the quickly clearing spot where the body had fallen. A patron's panicked run for the door revealed his target's head, and a second shot splattered the target's brain across the walls and floor.


Reality disolved again and Ryan found himself back in his own bed. Apparently whatever god seemed so interested in his talents was satisfied with the results, so perhaps now he could sleep in peace....

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OOC: lol, first ever wood-elf killed by a NATO round... :D




Has-Big-Axe turns and suspiciously eyes the wood elf walking into the tavern. For a breif moment, he experiences some sort of deja-vu as he can almost feel his axe ripping through that wood elf's flesh but the moment passes and Has-Big-Axe relaxes his grip on his axe and his clenched teeth. He takes a sip from his sujamma and turns to face the wood elf.

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Thrin's dark brooding and the memories that flooded from the hidden recesses of his mind soon vanished with the arrival of the newcomer. Apparently, he was very unexperienced as an adventurer, as was shown in his dress and his manner. Thrin would have guessed that he had only began a few moments ago, had he not known better. He knew there were a few in the tavern that would belive such a thing though..


He took a swig of his ale, as he had been doing more often in this conversation since he had become part of it. A thing he did against his own emotional instruction, a thing born of the mind and not of the heart. For where the heart carried the passion and the resolve, the mind carried the knowledge and experience to know what was best for the heart.


In guesture of welcoming, Thrin then called out, "you there, wood elf! Come here and give us merry preamble of the conversation you wish to partake in. Do not be frightened of us, for we are only old drunkards singing a merry tune without the songstress or musician." A jeering tone was evident in his voice, though not directed at anyone in particular. He was making a joke to everybody about everybody, in such a way that it began to break the ice in the room.

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Armiena turns towards the sound of a rifle shot, and wonders what that noise could possibly be... Then she sees the body lying on the ground, a pool of blood oozing from his chest and head.


"My, my," she says. "People are dying from strange weapons again! I don't even see a projectile here." She begins inspecting the dead man's head, and sees that the 7.62mm bullet passed through his head. The round lays on the ground a couple of feet away.


"Hey, this looks like that other arrow.... thing that I found a while ago. Maybe I should start collecting!"

She cleans the 7.62mm bullet off with her robe, and places it in a pocket, along with the bullet with Tabanne's first kill.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You shouldn't touch those things.. they stink of magicka and that isn't a good sign.

You see, I've seen things like that before, in the middle of the woods, I found an old wood elf camp a half day's walk from here, in the camp I found a pile of bodies, mostly elves, but all had a round hole in the forehead, and they all smelled like that thing you found, now if someone can kill a pack of wood elves in the middle of their own home like that, then it must be a powerful mage or a really powerful pack of orchs, now since we all know there is no such thing as a pack of powerful orchs, it must be strong evil magicka.. bad.

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Thrin, in the echoing silence, had returned to his dark brooding mood, and the sudden interuption was leaving him ill at ease. He wondered what sort of man would be able to find the elvish dwellings, especially wood elves.. Such beings did well to hide their existance. He bound all that questioning and the grim mood he was in into a single, stone-shattering glare that would have cut steel with equal ease. "And you are..?" People had this odd way of jumping into conversations without any introduction..
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