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An imperial in a black hooded robe walked into the tavern. He was obviously a vampire. Due to his fangs and glowing eyes. But he did not seem to care if anyone noticed. He was extremly tired from walking through the storm.
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Titanius leaves the inn, and starts walking down the street. A second later, a yell of "OH S***!!!!!" is heard. Titanius jumps through the window, shattering it. A second later, a man clad in silver armor steps through the door, searching the tavern. A drunk throws a bottle at him, getting his attention. As he's turned, a longsword flies through the air, striking him squarely in the back. He dies with a shocked expression on his face. Titanius steps forward, and mutters "Werewolf hunter. Can someone help me with this?"
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Racius leaves his dark corner and stands near the broken window, watching Titanius disappear into the storm, as he looks his brow crinkles and he suddenly moves away from the window, swiftly followed by a whistling crossbow bolt.


"There are Temple Ordinators outside in the storm, i think they are here for any rogue vampires, werewolves and anything else those bible bashing scum object too... Funny to think at one point i actually agreed with thier ways... Luckily i don't now... We have a slight dilemma here people, we can imorrally hand over whoverer the temple please for execution, innicent or not, we can try help them escape or we can fight... Whether you like it or not, if you are here now, you have been involved... it is your call..."


Racius then reaches into his robe and pulls out a gold claw topped staff with a dark purple, crystalline glowing orb affixed in the talons of the claw


"I for one, am not all too keen on the temples doctrine or methods of dealing with problems..."

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