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Fode relaxes his blade arm, but dose not sheath his blade, instead Fode rests his claymore on his sholder, " Alex, i shall return, there is something I must aquire" Fode sheaths his blade and walks over to the section of wall where he broke a window to leave his room, and with one mighty leap, Fode slid smoothly in through the broken window he left through. After a few minutes Fode dove out of the window, this time deftly landing on the cobble stone road way, Fode walks over to where he stood moments before, now he held a strange blackend skull, with what appeared to be a kesh fiber protrudeing from the top, "If we find that lycanthrope.... this will take care of it quick, and if ya want part of the creature as trophy... dont count on findin anything worth keepin, and I hope you dont mind possible civilian casualties....", Fode then tucked the strange skull in to a burgandy puch at his belt.
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Seran steps out of the gloom....


Civillian Casualties? Surely you jest?!?


Seran says,


Are we in this for the glory of slaying a Lycan or to save lives you must ask yourself, such taverns are my living and if we begin to explode them, then i will surely be out of a job!!!


Hey says with an exasperated look on his face,


I prepose a much more subtile and less volitile method of eradication.


Seran says with a smile as he kicks the ground with his boot. Nothing hapens. The other members of the group stare at him for a moment before he repeats the process and a small silver blade flicks out the rim of his boot.

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" ah subtle it is but we will require a very potent substance in order to take the foul creater"


the figure then pulls out a small green vial in it a thick substance


" this is more than strong enough, dont ask how i aquired it"


he then douced a two fine golden daggers with a red blade transparent but strong,


"if we get with in 300 yards he is done, and in a very painful matter"


the figure then turned to fode


"i dont think we have been introduced i am Dertuin as some call me. i have no proffesion except for assasination,"he then pulled out a wide assortment of dagers some made of metals the others had never seen before, but one as black as night with a single red ruby in the hilt,he grabbed it and held it up to the light. " this one i have saved for something special, the blade is made of poison it kills any form of flesh, it works its magic in five muinets"


"who is the best tracker out of us three?"

Dertuin said putting the blade not away with the other daggers but up his sleeve

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A disapointed look came over Fode's face, being an barbarian of Windhelm he is very fond of extream violence, wether it be volitile explosions, or bloody combat,"Aye, I guess I'll have to do it your way, but I am more than able to take on any normal lacanthrope with my claymore, if it werent for the posibility of becomeing one that is.... so your stelthy aproch would suit us best.... and for tracking leave that to me, you wont find a soul in all of Vvardenfell that can hunt better than I!", Fode pounded his chest with his fist after makeing his claim to be the most experinced hunter on the island. Fode unsheaths his claymore yet again, "lets begin this little hunt shall we?".
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"lets begin," said Dertuin as the party began walking


"i am a friend to the shadows " he said, pulling out rings made of wood


"and shadows we shall become" he slipt on his ring and became entirely invisible clothes and all


"join me" he said placing the rings in the hands of his companions

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Seran slips on is ring. He looks at his hlimbs as they recede into the darkness. He & his fellow group members were totally invisible.


Just before we embark on our dangerous mission my hunting partners I wish to reveal to you my true identity & occupatuion. For I am no mear Bard unless you havent already guessed. Seran ue Assassin Poet & Master of Disguise at your service.


Seran says into the shadows where he guesses his companions are.


Now that i have that off my chest, we move as the shadows...


Says Seran as he reaches down and pulls his silver tanto out of his ankle shieth and glides it into his hand. It is a magnificent weapon to say the least, completely wrought of silver with various inscriptions in Dunmer on it. The Ue family crest of the snake stands proudly on the hilt. With a quick practise swipe of his blade Seran is ready...

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Fode, not being used to the magical side of combat is very uneasy in this invisible state, "aye we shall have a fine hunt!", Fode is able to pin point his companions since his many years of huntinf in skrym have fine tuned his senses of smell and hearing, "But there is one problem, how do we go about finding our quarry? I am a master of the wilds, not of this civilizeation!", none the less, Fode was not discuraged, he egarly readys his deadric claymore in one hand, and a nordic silver dagger in the other, "well Im ready for anything!!", shouts Fode, fightening passers by.
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Aie cities are certainly different to the wilds my friend, fortunatly I know everything there is to know about cities & possible hiding palces. I believe that the Lycan is hunting at this present point in time, the moon is low in the night sky. He is most likely prowling the streets and alleys near the tavern or places of drinking looking for drunken victims...don't you tend to agree?


Seran says in his invisible form...

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"we begin then," said Dertuin

"but how will we coordinate a proper assault if we cannot even see ourselves?"


"ah, nevermind shall we bait the beast a drunk will be necessary."


Dertuin looks in the direction of which he thinks fode is


"fode how can u hold your liquer, being a nord?"


"I quite hope you can "


he said gesturing with his invisible form in the direction of the tavern

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