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Seran raises his head. His vision swims back into existance after he rubs his blood shot eyes. Feeling somewhat revitalised after his rest Seran grabs his lute & goes over to the table in which Armiena & an elf he had not seen in these parts before were seated. About three quarters of the way into the long treck 'A long trek for a drunk that is" Seran stumbles & knock his head on one of the seats. He collapses unconcious to the floor.
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Melekar quickly rises from his chair, and swiftly walks over to Seran, and offers his had as a show of good will, and as to help him to his feet, "there ya go, now why dont you take a seat here", Melekar pulls a chair over to the table with Armiena, "now have a sit and go easy on the booze".
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Melekar drifts to attention at the mention of lycanthrope, "now i had heard of some trouble with a lycanthrope up here from a very large nord fellow, he seemed in a hurry to get out of the area, now im always up for a good tale, i would be more than happy to hear what had transpired here before my arival", Melekar leans back in his chair, takeing a swig of his flin.
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Seran tells the tale of mystery & intrigue to his new found friend. He explains the hunt in the finest detail & fairly soon a large group patrons crowd around the table to listen to the story. Seran has them all on the edge of their seat & just before he reaches the climax to the story he stops mid sentence & says,


I will not say anymore till I have had a drink!

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Melekar, sits up and most heartily says, "well my freind, that is quite an amazeing story, but you must finish!", Melekar then signals to the bar-tender to bring a round of drinks over, Melekar then begins to pluck at his lute to add to the mood of the story.
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The night was dark & stormy my friends. The lycan was lewered & the trap was set. Brave Fode was to be the Lycan's bait. All was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the soft padding of large feet. We waited for some time, before the padding faded into the night & the sound of the scratching could be heard inside this very tavern. The sound travelled up the stairs & into one of the rooms overlooking the alleys behind where brave Fode the Gory lay drunk. The sound of speech could be heared & then the sound of a powerful force sprinting through the tavern. The row was defening my friends & many a screech emerged from the tavern. I ran out into the streets of this fair town to see the Lycan run past the guards at top flight into the night, never to be seen again. Later i found that this very woman had warded the Lycan away. To tell you the truth I was enfuriated. However I now come to the realisation that I am no better than this Lycan myself, we both kill to survive my killing just carries the label of employment rather than monsterism. So I ask you friends, do not judge this women for her actions, stop & think a moment about how many mens lives you have taken & then tell me are we no better than monsters ourselves.


Seran says as he points out the fallen Imperial soldiers & barmen laying on the ground & out on the street.

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