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World Map Mod...


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Hi all, this is really just a query about a mod and I do apologise if there;s such a thing out already that I've obviously missed,.


Basically after just several days of playing the game the world map soon becomes congested with locations visited, completed locations, quest triggered ect. It's an ordeal having to mouse over them all looking for nonspecific ones, i.e, revealed locations yet to be explored. Vanilla to an extent has this I guess, well, locations triggered by NPCs or quest orientated locations usually highlighted in black?!


Completed locations are still displayed in white though and this just got me thinking about a simple color scheme for the world map. Basically to display any explored/completed locations in any other color other than the uniform white would be a great start. Maybe this could be expanded on and a whole bunch of world map icons could be better organised just be a simple visual glance and knowing which color represent what. Examples of this might be Ritual Stones, Camps (Imperial + Stormcloak), Dragon Lairs etc etc.., but the main focus here is just to distinguish between cleared and locations yet to be exploered with a simple splash of color.


I realise there's a little prompt that displays "Cleared" when you hover over a location, not good enough! :D


Does such a mod exist or is such a thing doable?

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