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Combat AI for player/Autopilot for fighting


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I just started my gazzilionth playthrough of skyrim (I never can seem to play one character for too long) and as I was running through Helgen I was pondering different console commands.. and it hit me.. Is there any way to make the player character fight using the same combat AI as NPCs? Basically what I'm looking for is a way to put my character on auto pilot when I get into combat. I'm not asking for something that'll do thing like quest and gather for me... just combat AI for the player character as if they were an npc.. and after combat control would either automatically transfer back to the player or the PC would just stand around until you put it back into normal mode.


If such a thing could be implemented not only would if be awesome for players like me who just want to be lazy in combat but I'd imagine certain modders could make use of it to implement things like the player being effected by spells like fury or modders who mess with werewolves using it to implement werewolf beserking.

Edited by Ovolmase
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