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Form IDs


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Sorry if this has been all ready asked, but the search function didn't find much...


but to cut it short...


is there any way i can via in game use a console command to get the items actual Form ID?

like you see a bottle cap on the ground, you click it (while the console is up) and

enter some kind of command and it's reference ID and it posts some info about the item AND the form ID...


Thanks, and again sorry if it has all ready been posted, or if in wrong section...

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Sorry if this has been all ready asked, but the search function didn't find much...


but to cut it short...


is there any way i can via in game use a console command to get the items actual Form ID?

like you see a bottle cap on the ground, you click it (while the console is up) and

enter some kind of command and it's reference ID and it posts some info about the item AND the form ID...


Thanks, and again sorry if it has all ready been posted, or if in wrong section...


yes, try pressing the tilde "~" key, select the item with the mouse take note of listed id then type....


player.additem (space)(form ID)(space)(ammount)


it would look like this in console


player.additem 0000000F 5000


that would give you 5000 caps

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Sorry if this has been all ready asked, but the search function didn't find much...


but to cut it short...


is there any way i can via in game use a console command to get the items actual Form ID?

like you see a bottle cap on the ground, you click it (while the console is up) and

enter some kind of command and it's reference ID and it posts some info about the item AND the form ID...


Thanks, and again sorry if it has all ready been posted, or if in wrong section...


yes, try pressing the tilde "~" key, select the item with the mouse take note of listed id then type....


player.additem (space)(form ID)(space)(ammount)


it would look like this in console


player.additem 0000000F 5000


that would give you 5000 caps

Your wrong, when clicking on, say a Tin can laying on the ground and another one next to it, i get 2 different ID, those IDs are called "cell Reference IDs" NOT Form IDs...


0000000F is a Form ID not a freaking Reference ID


i remember there was a command in oblivion for this sort of thing...

might start looking there...


Player.additem should be quite common for any cheating player...

but I'm looking for a way to get the unique Form ID of the item I'm aiming at, not the useless reference ID

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To see what ID an object have you target it in the console and type this, or getself.

Okay thanks a lot, i will try it out once I'm done with some Cheatish God items of my own design...

GECK just gives a lot of "missing texture" errors and such... -a real headach!



eeh wait a sec..

you make very little sense at the 4 lest words...

if i type , (comma) in the console it goes bananas(unknown command script command unknown etc...)

Getself is yet to be tested but i DO hope it works!

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