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How how HOW do you dispell your spell?


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Hey Xander I am having an odd issue. I made custom swords for my dremoras and when I dispell them (using a spell or dispelallspells command) about half the time they all drop their swords instead of having them fade away.

(Normally the swords go flying and fade along with the actor, but when they remain they fly away as normal but simply dont fade).

So if I am spawning hundreds of them around I end up with litter EVERYWHERE and it takes forever to clean it up.


Any suggestions?

Pic: https://photos-1.dropbox.com/t/0/AAB_SL8v4MWR18hLtxFlvz_oYqBTGeNJSMESrUfNTblArA/12/273972497/jpeg/1024x768/3/1394013600/0/2/swordsscattered.jpg/IIZkqQ0dMmLc9iZH8XIhY0Wv60hYVjdmAnpnXIDBbkQ

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  • 2 years later...

I wanted to add another thank you. I know this post is old, but a Google search brought it up, and it was what I needed. My only further question is what Spell Archetype do I use? I have it set as Dispel, but the creation kit wiki says "Removes magic effects with a duration from the target." . I assumed that meant ALL effects. Is that incorrect?

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I wanted to add another thank you. I know this post is old, but a Google search brought it up, and it was what I needed. My only further question is what Spell Archetype do I use? I have it set as Dispel, but the creation kit wiki says "Removes magic effects with a duration from the target." . I assumed that meant ALL effects. Is that incorrect?

The archetype doesn't really matter as far as dispelling goes. If it has the same keywords and has the box checked saying it dispells these keywords, that should be all that's needed. The archetype I would go for is script. This would prevent any unexpected results. Definitely don't use the Dispel archetype, because you're right: that would dispel all active spell effects, not just the ones with the keyword.

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