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New OpenCustomMenu SKSE Function


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Just wondering if anyone has messed with SKSE 1.7's new function OpenCustomMenu(). I'm mainly wondering because I realize the actual menu doesn't matter and it'll still open it, but I'm not so sure about the limitations of making a custom menu. So it's less about the function itself and more about the custom menu. Anyone know what all we can do with a custom menu? If we can everything that could be done with an MCM, MessageBox, or Gift Menu, then this new function that I hadn't noticed might open up a lot of new possibilities.


As an aside, has anyone successfully used CreateEnchantment(). Making an enchantment from a script using dynamic values is twice as interesting when coupled with the new MagicEffect functions (and the even newer MagicEffect functions added by MagExtender). Skyrim may be aging, but these might breathe some new life into things if they're cleverly utilized.

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