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So you probably can guess what I'm asking for, but in case it isn't I'll just say what I'd like to see.


I hope that someone can make a mod that will alter the monster spawns so there are no insect-type creatures that a player ever has to see.


Frankly, due to the fact that some players may be scared of a number of other things to the extent that the game becomes nearly unplayable, just like I am with bugs, I think it might be helpful to actually have a couple of other things in addition to or instead of just a no-more-bugs mod.


1) a Compatibility Patch with things like Marts Monster Mod For Fallout, to extend the protection from bug-ness into the added rosters of monsters.


2) a completely different take on the mod, which would be a list of all monsters in the game with checkboxes next to them, accessed outside of the game, which the user would uncheck for individual monsters to take them out of the spawn lists, and then save as a new plugin.


I know this probably sounds like a lot of work, but frankly I am easily creeped out by games, so much so that I still haven't finished the quests in Oblivion that involve any kind of zombies. I doubt I'd be the only one to appreciate the work that would be put into it.


Anyway, thanks for your time, and I hope someone decides to take this on.


~ Xeuton

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I thought you were requesting a new perk lol....


I was thinking "Yes! If you ever get like, 3/4 of your health drained by insect attacks, perhaps in just a few seconds, you'll get the insectophobia perk that perhaps increases your running speed when under attack by radscorpians or something :P


My suggestion; get yourself a modded double barreled shotgun that does 999 damage and hotkey it so when you DO see buggies they won't be scary at all since you have your boomstick...

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Well, the name is based on the mod Arachnophobia for Oblivion, which got rid of all spiders in the vanilla game. I really enjoyed that mod, and figured there might as well be an equivalent for FO3, if not a more dynamic version that covered all enemies in the game.
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