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Intro Skip Mod


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There is one called Skip Tutorial


                          SkipTutorial  v1.0

             (Morrowind Plug-in, no expansions required)

Do you tire of the tedious tutorial messages whenever you start a new game?  
Then this may be for you.  When starting a new game you will be given a 
choice of three ways to start the game:

Tutorials      -- the normal sequence with tutorials
Skip Tutorials -- the normal sequence without the tutorials and delays
Quick Start    -- choose name, race, class, and birthsign and open the door

Skipping the tutorials gives almost complete freedom.  You'll still have to 
get off of the boat, receive your release papers, and talk to Sellus Gravius 
but you don't have to pick up Fargoth's ring and you don't have to ask about
your duties.  The spoken dialog remains, but it is spoken while you interact 
with the NPCs and menus for a more natural (and faster) sequence.  (And the
NPCs even walk faster now, so you'll have to jog to keep up.)

The Quick Start option positions you at the final exit door from the Census
and Excise Office, if you select the door, Sellus Gravius will take your 
papers and you have the option of asking about your duties.  Select the door 
again and you will automatically get Fargoth's ring and 300 gold.  The 300 
gold is roughly the amount an average character can get for looting the 
Office and selling everything to Arrille. (If you really dislike the extra
gold you can always overpay Arille by 300 gold or erase the line in the 
CharGenJournalMessage script where I add it.)


Use the standard procedures, it's just a simple ESP modifying a few scripts.

On other words, put the SkipTutorial1.0.esp file in your Data Files folder and 
then select it from the Data Files option of the Morrowind launcher program.  

The plugin only alters the character generation startup scripts, so you will
need to start a new game to see it's effects.  Uninstalling after starting 
the game will give one (unimportant) warning, and may cause some tutorial
messages to appear one more time, but should otherwise be safe.


Obviously, this will be incompatible with any mod that alters the character 
generation sequence like QuickChar, SilentCharGen, and AlternateBeginnings.

This modifies the most of the character generation scripts, so any mod that
modifies one of those scripts will probably have conflicts.


This was inspired by Bink's QuickChar, Jason Robinson's SilentCharGen, and 
Kir's update to SilentCharGen.   

You are free to use and modify thexd scripts in any way that won't upset
the kind folks at Bethesda.

Charles Cooley
[email protected]
cdcooley on the ES Forums

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