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So, where to begin with. In Oblivion we have a Quest where a man needs an Artifact to open portals between planes, the Quest is separated in two Quests, being the "Blood of the Daera" and "Blood of the Divines". On this quest we need an item with the blood and energy of a Daedra and Divine being to open up the portal between planes. We use the Armor of Talos as the Divine item, and I started to think: "Maybe the portal is oppened between planes that are rulled by Daedric Princes. Where would Mehrunes Daegon get the Blood of a Divine in first place? I think both items belong to Daedras, one sacrificing the energy for the portal to be oppened, and the other being the way point to the plane that this Daedra resides. So this makes Talos a Daedra that Resides in Nirn, so the portal would open on Cyrodill." This makes even more sense by looking how the elves hate on Talos, as they hate the Daedra and Lorkhan himself. Talos was an "agent" who cause change on Tamriel, every time he faced a Challenge during the conquest of Tamriel, he would pull something from his pocket to bend the "universe" in order for him to succeed. He cause much change on Tamriel in order to Rule Supreme, and after he died, he was worshiped as a god, just like cultists do to other Daedra, but Talos made the empire, so people won't see him as a treat. Another point is that not all Daedra are Evil, some are even good but rather harsh. Take a look on Meridia for instance. Jyggalag was a Daedra who was balance itself. Talos maybe was a Daedra who was justice, he was a kind emperor yet he punished many, killed many and conquered other by force.

Tell me what you think about this teory, and please don't go around insulting each other because of Stormcloaks and Imperials. I'll make another Topic about the Civil War and my Teory later.

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Well, first, Jyggalag does not represent balance. He represents the purest, most OCD expression of Order. He is the lowest sub-gradient of Anu (Anu-Anu'el-Auri'el-Jyggalag) just as Sheogorath is the lowest sub-gradient of Change (Padomay-Sithis-Lorkhan-Sheogorath).


Second, the difference between Aedra and Daedra is simply their involvement in creation. When Talos mantled Lorkhan, he became an Et'ada. When he absorbed the power of Zurin Arctus and Wulfhearth, sacrificing one (or maybe both) to cement the Convention, he gave up some of his power for creation, becoming an Aedra.


Third, the Thalmor hatred for Talos is... misunderstood. They don't actually hate him, he's just in the way. When Talos gave some of his power to creation, he superimposed himself over the Convention. Because Convention is the stone of the Ur-Tower, if the Thalmor want to unmake the world they need to get through Talos to get to the original stone. Talos is like a locked door, with the prize on the other side.


Finally... I like the idea that there is still some give between the Daedra and Aedra (they are, after all, basically the same thing, the Daedra just didn't buy into Lorkhans vision) but i don't think the blood thing is enough to claim Talos is a straight up Daedra. Rather, i think it's a limiting component of inter-planar travel on Mundus. You may need the blood of a Divine (or an absurd amount of magical power) to LEAVE Mundus, and that would be a limitation that the Daedra, in Oblivion, wouldn't have to contend with.


It is an interesting though though, and i await how you can tie it into the Civil War idea.

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Well, I started to think about the blood thing again. Maybe the Ritual to open the portals need Blood and power, not necessarily the blood of a Divine. Mehrunes Daegon must have used his own blood and power in order to enter Nirn, maybe that renderd him weak at the final battle, and in the quest to open the portal we get 2 Daedric Artifacts and one of them have the blood of a Daedra Lord, Talos, so that was enought to open a portal. I'ts impossible for a mortal to become a Divine, and Talos never created anything, he only destroyed, conquered and caused change, and we know that the Hero of Kvatch became Sheogorath, a Daedra Lord. Maybe the same happened to Talos himself.
Searching trough why Thalmor hate on Talos I came up to the info that for them, Talos becoming a god is the ultimate insult, as he is a creature of Lorkhan, a man, and Lorkhan is the one that tricked the Aedras into creating the concept of life and death and the mortal plane. The Altmer belive that they where once all gods, and that Lorkhan made them mortal as they gave their power in order to creat Nirn and Mundus. So a spawn of Lorkhan becoming a god and being worshiped is an insult, the same man who conquered and subdued the Summerset Isles and the Altmer is now worshiped. And again, the Altmer don't take kind on Daedra, and once again, if Talos is a Daedra Lord himself, that would give even more reason for the Thalmor to hate on him.

(Off Topic: About the Civil war, I was going to talk about the politics we have on Cyrodill now, the Emperor Titus Mede II, Ulfric, Tulius, Hammerfell, the Racism by the Stormcloaks and other things.)

Edited by VaynardTheWhiteWolf
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