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Scripting and enchantment problems..


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Hey guys

I've been making my mod to make an enchantment for the bow so the bows could use bound arrows.

These are the scripts (Thanks to KingsGambit and his help as well as his source files):


Adds Bound Arrow ability to the the object


Scriptname AddUnboundAbility extends ObjectReference

{OnEquip Adds Ability}

Spell Property boundArrow auto
Ammo Property BoundBowFFSelf auto

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())
Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(boundArrow, false)

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer())
Game.GetPlayer().removeitem(boundArrow,Game.GetPlayer().getItemCount(boundArrow), true)




This adds the arrows to the bow when the bow is equipped



Scriptname AddUnboundArrow extends activemagiceffect
{Replenish Arrows}

Ammo Property boundArrow Auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
caster.additem(boundArrow,2, TRUE)
caster.equipItem(boundArrow, TRUE, TRUE)



This removes the arrow when the bow is unequipped



Scriptname UnboundArrowScript extends activemagiceffect

Ammo Property boundArrow Auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
Game.GetPlayer().removeitem(boundArrow,Game.GetPlayer().getItemCount(boundArrow),abSilent = true)



I have been messing around with Magic Effects, and making these scripts to be script version, and made enchantment that uses the scripts. I've put the enchantment on test bow and loaded up the vanilla Skyrim (That is, Skyrim Legendary edition without mods). I've been finding these scripts do not activate as bound arrows do not appear on my bow. I've messed around with amulet, using Constant Effects and Fire and Forget contacts attributes in CK, but no success in my tests and experiments. I'm beginning to wonder if I did something wrong or I missed something somewhere.


Is there any solutions I am not aware of for this issue? I just can't figure out how to make the bound arrows pop up for the bow in the enchantment.


Also attached to this, is the image of the script for the bound Arrows in Magic Effects.


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The first script is messed up. It's got the spell and ammo properties types' switched and then BoundArrow is used as both a spell and as ammo later in the script.


Second, you only need one script for this. The one on the magic effect that adds and removes the spell, and the one on the bow that equips, replenishes, and removes the arrows.


The magic effect should be constant effect, target self, archetype script. Add this modified script to it. Make a new enchantment that uses this magic effect. Put that enchantment on the bow. Let us know what happens. (use a save game that has never seen the bow, enchantment, or any of the scripts before).



Scriptname AddUnboundArrow extends activemagiceffect
{Replenish Arrows}

Ammo Property BoundArrow Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BoundArrow,2, TRUE)
	Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(BoundArrow, TRUE, TRUE)

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(BoundArrow, Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(BoundArrow), True)

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
	If ( akBaseItem == BoundArrow )
		Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BoundArrow,1, TRUE)




If you find it's leaving one bound arrow in your inventory after unequipping the bow, let me know.

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Ah.. I'll modify the script now and let you know how it goes. I've been having a niggling feeling when I was reading the script. I've changed spell and ammo properties but the compile failed and I swapped them back and it worked. I was trying to figure out how I did it wrong. I'll try your new script now. Thanks, bro!



Error in compiling:


Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "AddUnboundArrow"...
D:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\AddUnboundArrow.psc(11,0): script event oneffectstart already defined in the same state
No output generated for AddUnboundArrow, compilation failed.



Going to edit the script a little bit


Edit 2:


Scriptname AddUnboundArrow extends activemagiceffect
{Replenish Arrows}

Ammo Property BoundArrow Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BoundArrow,2, TRUE)
Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(BoundArrow, TRUE, TRUE)

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
If ( akBaseItem == BoundArrow )
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(BoundArrow,1, TRUE)



Took out a script to get it to successfully compile, but CK's not letting me apply the script to enchantment unless I set it to Fire and Forget, Contact instead of Costant Effect, Self, and I'm trying to figure out how to put constant effect script on a enchantment to be put on enchantment.. as the test result with that script failed.

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Sorry, I didn't get an update. Next time, just go ahead and make a new post so I get a message about it.


I failed to keep in mind that weapon enchantments can't be constant effect. The best way to do it in this case, then, would be to put a script directly on the bow to add and remove an ability which will maintain the ammo. The reason for this is that we need the event OnItemRemoved to work, and that'll only work on aliases, object references (including actors), and active magic effects. So, try this process:


  1. On the constant self magic effect you already have, check Hide in UI, and try adding this script:

    Ammo Property BoundArrow Auto
    Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
    	If ( akBaseItem == BoundArrow )
    		GetTargetActor().AddItem(BoundArrow,1, TRUE)



  2. Put that effect on a constant effect self ability spell.

  3. Add this script to the bow:


    Ammo Property BoundArrow Auto
    Spell Property BoundArrowAbility Auto
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
    	akActor.AddItem(BoundArrow,2, TRUE)
    	akActor.EquipItem(BoundArrow, TRUE, TRUE)
    	akActor.AddSpell(BoundArrowAbility, False)
    Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
    	akActor.RemoveItem(BoundArrow,akActor.GetItemCount(BoundArrow), TRUE)



  4. Make an empty fire and forget contact magic effect with a name and id. Check No Duration and No Magnitude, and No Area, give it the description you want to show up on the bow, then at the bottom, uncheck the spellmaking Magnitude and Duration.

  5. Make an enchantment with that effect.

Now that I've written it out, I'm going to go test it myself as well.

Edited by Xander9009
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Well, I made a couple of typos, but those are fixed. I just tested it and it worked. Equipped the bow and I had arrows. No matter how fast I shot the bow, the script was faster, so I never ran out of arrows, meaning they were never unequipped and I never ran out. When I unequipped the bow or equipped a different weapon, even another bow, the arrows were removed long before I could use them. No notifications. I didn't check the Active Effects menu, but I don't think anything would show up in there with Hide UI checked. Note, bound arrows can't be picked up from the ground, but they do hang around on the ground. I don't know if you care about that, but they're just going to hang around until the area resets, probably.

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Ah, I'll test the script that you updated and follow your instructions, then I'll look into the enchantment thing. I think having an amulet is good for that but how to add that to archers only in leveled lists.. Hmm. But for now, I'll figure out how to work it into the enchantment for the bows.


Edit: I'll do this tomorrow.. A bit tired. Good night!

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Well, the script has to be on the weapon itself. The enchantment on the bow is just so they can't enchant it with something else. If you want them to be able to, or if you just don't want to use the enchantment, feel free to leave it out. It does nothing. It's just a placeholder. The script should work just fine on an amulet or something else that can be equipped. So you could easily put it on an amulet, bow, boots, whatever. Note that if you want the enchantment on the amulet, make sure to change the effect and enchantment types to constant effect.


As far as putting it on an amulet and making the amulet appear on archers, you'd have to find a leveled list that appears on archers and only archers, and then add the amulet to it. You could do this manually, but it'll cause overwrite issues if they have another mod installed that changes that list. You can also do it through a script. It wouldn't conflict with anything, but it would be a tad more complicated, though not too bad.

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*sigh* I'm feeling like a retard. Just tried similar things you did. Why were the scriptname and extends thingy missing? I'm just wondering

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I didn't put the scriptname because the scriptname can't be changed. When you make new script, you have to pick a name for it, and the Extends section should be filled in automatically, so I skipped that line. Did you get it working?

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