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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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Because a nice terrain full of beuatiful plants will not fit an apocalyptic scenario =P.There is even a joke about that in the quest "blood ties" that when you ask one of the pepople int he shelters she would tell you that the nature outsaide is beautiful this time of year xD.
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The GECK of Vault 87 was said to be a special one designed by Braun, to my knowledge. He supposedly made a true GECK, as opposed to the simple survival kits. If you use it before handing it over to Project Purity, you die. Why? Because it pulls in all matter in a pretty large radius before terraforming it and creating a brand new piece of land.


  Jenz said:
How can the Lone wanderer swim?

There is no pool, not even a bathtub to train in in vault 101.

But magicly he/she knows how to swim perfectly.

In full armor, nonetheless!



- Why is it that when I shoot someone in the chest, all their limbs fall off?

- Where does everybody get their clothes from? I haven't seen a single sheep in the entire wasteland, and there is only so much Brahmin skin can be used for.

- Why are NPCs unaffected by radiation? I used a cheat weapon to fire a Megaton nuke up in the air, which then detonated and bathed the entire area in 50+ rads/sec. Not a single NPC was affected.

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The existance of ghouls in the game is a joke. Radiation will NOT turn you into a flesh hungry zombie that can live for hundreds of years.

In fact, radiation over 15 rads will melt your skin off, fun fact for you.


Why chopping up some old irradiated food or downing some dirty water closes up wounds


Why a lot of places have ample supplies of power when a lot of power lines are downed in game.


Why "stimpaks" are spelled wrong.


Why NPCs of all sorts rarely carry stimpacks and never use them


Why Power Armor works in water


Why you know the function, cleaning, repair, reloading, and porper handling of any weapon in the wasteland when most dangerous thing in Vault 101 was a 10mm pistol. Shotguns? No problem. Miniguns? No problem. Missile Launchers? No problem. Alien Blasters and Disintegrators? Psh no problem at all!


Why is alcohal not irratiaded?


Why arent drugs irradiated?


Why is Megaton livable at all? The radiaition leaving from a still live atomic core would make things pretty rough. Lots of heat, nice radioactive heat.


Im sure theres more but they dont come to mind ATM

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  Katuko said:
The GECK of Vault 87 was said to be a special one designed by Braun, to my knowledge. He supposedly made a true GECK, as opposed to the simple survival kits. If you use it before handing it over to Project Purity, you die. Why? Because it pulls in all matter in a pretty large radius before terraforming it and creating a brand new piece of land.


  Jenz said:
How can the Lone wanderer swim?

There is no pool, not even a bathtub to train in in vault 101.

But magicly he/she knows how to swim perfectly.

In full armor, nonetheless!



- Why is it that when I shoot someone in the chest, all their limbs fall off?

- Where does everybody get their clothes from? I haven't seen a single sheep in the entire wasteland, and there is only so much Brahmin skin can be used for.

- Why are NPCs unaffected by radiation? I used a cheat weapon to fire a Megaton nuke up in the air, which then detonated and bathed the entire area in 50+ rads/sec. Not a single NPC was affected.


This makes even less sense. If Braun made a super special G.E.C.K. why put it in 87? 87 is a FEV test facility.

Was it made if the tests were successful and the Superior FEV humans got out and rebuilt society?

Honestly i think it's just Bethesda's rewrite of it, removing the irony of Fallout 2. the "Holy" object and a good part of the main quest was a barely functional Gardening Kit.

It's seem like a random plot device if you ask me. We need G.E.C.K., G.E.C.K. is there. Gasp there are Super Mutants where G.E.C.K. is. Get G.E.C.K. and leave.

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If i am right, everything is nuclear powered so computers and terminals have centuries of electricity.


As for the nuka-cola thinking about it creatively we could just say that the chemistry in the nuka-cola is designed to preserve the carbination and flavour due to some powerful chemical additive, etc.



Off-topic, i wish Bethesda would release one more DLC, something like the institute in the commonwealth, or a added land with a chain of quests and new weapons etc. Fallout 3 and all the DLC is superb, i have never played such a great RPG in my life i just expect too much cause it has crazy amounts of things to do and content why should it stop now until a future release of fallout 4? Mods are out there but do modders hire voice actors or have teams of developers working on a map and a storyline with dialogue and new loot? No.


Don't take this offensively, because i mod myself. (I do textures i know it's nothing special compared to what others do but it still counts.)

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  Harabec Weathers said:
The existance of ghouls in the game is a joke. Radiation will NOT turn you into a flesh hungry zombie that can live for hundreds of years.

In fact, radiation over 15 rads will melt your skin off, fun fact for you.

Because the game says it can happen. It's a work of fiction for a reason and it doesn't contradict anything in the game world.


Why a lot of places have ample supplies of power when a lot of power lines are downed in game.


Cause the game wouldn't be nearly as functional if everything were dark.


Why "stimpaks" are spelled wrong.

Cause it was spelled that way in FO1 and FO2. And it was spelled that way in previous games because it reflected the "cute" marketing names that was characteristic of the period. See mentats and buffout for further reference.


Why Power Armor works in water

Cause that wouldn't be fun at all.


Why you know the function, cleaning, repair, reloading, and porper handling of any weapon in the wasteland when most dangerous thing in Vault 101 was a 10mm pistol. Shotguns? No problem. Miniguns? No problem. Missile Launchers? No problem. Alien Blasters and Disintegrators? Psh no problem at all!

Cause the game wouldn't be fun at all if it locked away 90% of its functionality on account of your character being retarded.


Why is Megaton livable at all? The radiaition leaving from a still live atomic core would make things pretty rough. Lots of heat, nice radioactive heat.

It's just a dormant atomic bomb. It's not as if active fission is occuring in the thing. Missile silos aren't hell holes in real life, right?


Im sure theres more but they dont come to mind ATM


All of those are simply for the sake of gameplay or old fallout lore. The general rule is science can be ignored. Fiction benefits from creating it's own science and laws so long as it abides to them as closely as the natural world does to physics. What we're talking about here are illogical inconsistencies between what is presented and what is reality.


So when the game says radiation can cause ghoulification, we take it. That's what happens in the fallout 3 universe. But then we need to ask why the hell father cromwell is still a functional human being.

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  DJ_D said:
Why is the electricity in every building still working? Shouldnt the electromagnetic pulse of the bombs have fried all the circuts?


And how come the terminals in some ruins still run? Dont tell me they have been turned on since 200 years? No power loss once in a while?


The game doesn't follow much realism but it sure does shock the senses or there would not be so many good points posted here.


There is real possibility for power existing in some areas. Except for in the epicenter of a blast area all places underground fifty miles outside of where the bomb ignited could have managed to have electricity. Even life at borders underground at 75 miles from the center of the blast for a few years. That all depends on how far away and how deep the Vaults or basement with power driven by generators are from the epicenter of the blast. If the area of Washington, D. C. is only a few miles across their city would have been dust at the epicenter.

A point to ponder is, "most back up generators were gas or diesel powered."

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  Harabec Weathers said:
The existance of ghouls in the game is a joke. Radiation will NOT turn you into a flesh hungry zombie that can live for hundreds of years.

In fact, radiation over 15 rads will melt your skin off, fun fact for you.


Why chopping up some old irradiated food or downing some dirty water closes up wounds


While the developers exaggerated the power of using food and water as a healing agent, remember food contains anti-oxidants and other supplements which supply your body with the needs to fight bacteria and other things, but it doesn't work in seconds it would take weeks.


Why a lot of places have ample supplies of power when a lot of power lines are downed in game.


All i can say is because according to Fallout lore almost everything has nuclear power so computer terminals among other things might have fission batteries in them, the power lines might be for stuff like street lights, etc.


Why "stimpaks" are spelled wrong.


That's just a typo, it was spelt like that on purpose.


Why NPCs of all sorts rarely carry stimpacks and never use them


Because they would be gods, turn that question around to "Why does the lone wanderer not die from overusing stims to keep himself alive?


Why Power Armor works in water


Same thing as asking "Why does Water-proof radios work in water or why does water proof cameras work in water?" The Power armor probably was well-built and made for many conditions, think of power armor like it's some sort of robotic ingenuity.


Why you know the function, cleaning, repair, reloading, and porper handling of any weapon in the wasteland when most dangerous thing in Vault 101 was a 10mm pistol. Shotguns? No problem. Miniguns? No problem. Missile Launchers? No problem. Alien Blasters and Disintegrators? Psh no problem at all!


I assume that Vault Dwellers studied gun mechanics and repair in a class, and when you level up think of it as you are wising up and just getting a feel for things.


Why is alcohal not irratiaded?


I believe it's the chemistry of the alchohol, not sure though.


Why arent drugs irradiated?


This i have no clue, maybe all the drugs have dosages of potassium iodide which is a radiation eater, the bag of radaway is simply all potassium iodide i think.


Why is Megaton livable at all? The radiaition leaving from a still live atomic core would make things pretty rough. Lots of heat, nice radioactive heat.


The radiation comes from the water, not the air. Nuclear bombs don't leak radiation and judging the thing dropped the lead seal in the bomb got cracked allowing gamma rays to zig-zag into the water.


Im sure theres more but they dont come to mind ATM



Here is one: Why does it take 3 shots in the head to kill someone with a .44 magnum? I don't know about you guys but if you shoot one of those suckers there is no survival, one hit will put you out like a watermelon with firecrackers in it.


Another one: Why do cars blow up in a "Mini" nuclear explosion? The cars are powered by nuclear fission and nuclear fission doesn't detonate like a bomb, the worst thing that happens is like chernobyl: The control rods don't work because they were kept in too long thus pressure builds up popping open the fission reactor casing which causes a burst of deadly radiation in the surrounding... Miles. They don't blow up like a bomb, it's kind of silly.


Practicality and technical questioning can stretch a mile for this game, it's not a super realistic game it is more of a role-playing fun type of game, and i like it.

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Oh! Yeh! We are supposed to believe that they had nuclear fission powered generators in every car, skyscraper, and vault building with an underground basement. I forgot.

If you want some facts and realism?


Gasoline was not an issue in the 1920's and Henry Ford came up with the idea for a car manufacturing place, the first car factory was built.


No gasoline in Fallout 3 in the year 2077 where the music 3 Dog is playing is from the Roaring 20's. 1920's.

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