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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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I'm VERY new to Fallout 3, but heres the things.

Why drinking from urinal in Men Restroom in Megaton gives you the same effects as the sink in the same place?

Why as soon as you escaped from Vault, that lady running the shop with Wasteland Survival Guide in Megaton knows about you?

Why drinking the water from puddle near the nuke in Megaton gives you the same effects as the toilet water?

If you stand near the nuke addict telling the stories, you'll see that you get 1 radiation per second, while he remains unnafected?

Why when you try to pick the Easy lock, when your skill is 24 pipboy is starting to tell you a joke about not enough skill?

Why the mighty Overseer got killed in one shot when I accidentally missed the enemy officer?

Why there's no purified water in the Vault? They're only from sinks I know, but what if you're at the work, can't you just take some with you?

Why, just why when I shoot radroaches they don't explode? They got the same chance to explode as people, but the legs! I hit the legs with gun in VATS, and nothing.


- I guess Bethesda uses the same principle of non-potable water in some mediterrenean countries -or a lot of South-American countries. If you drink water from a faucet you will probably get violently ill; diarrhea, vomiting, etc. In those countries you need to buy bottled water if you desire potable water. So basically, whether you drink from a faucet or from a urinal doesn't really matter: both ways will make you seriously ill. So back to Fallout 3; it is my educated guess that the same principle applies. Megaton's purifier is already very strained and I reckon that purified water -for consumption only- is bottled. Water for washing your hands is probably still -slightly- irriadiated, because it would be wasteful to use purified water merely for that purpose. Megaton's purifier is most likely a more decrepit bit of machinery than the purifier in the Vault you came from.

It's basically why the showers installed at some Dutch beaches -to rinse off the salt water after a swim in the North Sea so you don't get sunburn that easily- use water that is definetely NOT for consumption. It would be a waste if it had been purifed.

- You need a skill of 25 to pick the Easy lock. Below 25 is the Very Easy lock.

- When escaping from the Vault you can come across some bottles of purified water; kill Butch, he has some in his inventory. Search the rooms opposite the huge Vault door and you're bound to find some bottled purified water.

- With the Bloody Mess Perk Rad Roaches have a higher chance of exploding; although these explosions are not as spectacular as a humanoid exploding. It's a bit like the face of a Mirelurk that explodes -a cloud of vapour and viscous bits.

Sometimes you don't need VATS to have enemy body parts explode. When trying to test Moira Brown Molerat repellent, I venture into the Tepid Sewers. When I enter the mined corridor with the Raider named Rocksalt, I stay crouched low, I don't run when sneaking and I use a sniper rifle. I simply use the scope, line up the crosshairs with Rocksalt's head as best as I can. Then I simply wait for it, trying to time the sway of the rifle with the approximate moment it lines up with Rocksalt's head -then I squeeze the trigger and Rocksalt's head explodes almost every time I've tried it.

Though sometimes -in VATS this time- I score a critical hit on a Super Mutant whilst sneaking and he just keels over; no exploding body parts, just a small wound where the bullet struck. And the mutie goes down in slo-mo. That's it.

So don't expect Roaches to explode every time you hit one. It also depends on your (weapon-)skill level and the perks you have.


As for the rest; there is a mod available on the Nexus that slowly turns Confessor Cromwell into a Ghoul; http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8698.

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- You need a skill of 25 to pick the Easy lock. Below 25 is the Very Easy lock.


Though sometimes -in VATS this time- I score a critical hit on a Super Mutant whilst sneaking and he just keels over; no exploding body parts, just a small wound where the bullet struck. And the mutie goes down in slo-mo. That's it.

So don't expect Roaches to explode every time you hit one. It also depends on your (weapon-)skill level and the perks you have.

About the lockpicking, that is just stupid that I had 24 lockpicking, then I killed some raider who was behind me and got lvl 4, so I got lvl 4 and get 1 point in lockpicking. After that, I can easily pick that nasty lock, so why I couldn't give it a try at 24? Anyone can try to do that, in Oblivion it doesn't matter what skill you're have you still can pick Very Hard lock, if you give a try.


I don't expect them, but when you shoot their small legs full of holes, the legs should get some more damage. Sometimes shooting Radroaches with some gun, their legs should get more damage than just 'crippled' message. I only seen Radroach's legs exploding/coming off once, and I have seen people's heads exploding more than ten times, so that is just unrealistic. The chances are all the same to me.

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About the Megaton bomb and how the town came about: I always thought that the bomb was there from a crashed aircraft. Wouldn't it make sense? The plane crash landed, left the bomb and all kinds of aircraft parts laying around. People used the parts to build some of the town of Megaton. Why in the heck they decided to build the town AROUND the bomb I have no idea. Warmth in the Winter?
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About the lockpicking, that is just stupid that I had 24 lockpicking, then I killed some raider who was behind me and got lvl 4, so I got lvl 4 and get 1 point in lockpicking. After that, I can easily pick that nasty lock, so why I couldn't give it a try at 24? Anyone can try to do that, in Oblivion it doesn't matter what skill you're have you still can pick Very Hard lock, if you give a try.


I don't expect them, but when you shoot their small legs full of holes, the legs should get some more damage. Sometimes shooting Radroaches with some gun, their legs should get more damage than just 'crippled' message. I only seen Radroach's legs exploding/coming off once, and I have seen people's heads exploding more than ten times, so that is just unrealistic. The chances are all the same to me.


You can always resort to wearing the Vault Utility Suit; it boosts your repair and lockpick skills by +5. Or you can try a chemical drug named Mentats to temporarily boost your Perception and Intelligence -there is a downside to chems though; one, you can get addicted, which negatively influences your SPECIAL stats until you get cured by a doctor. Two, if you permanently perk up your SPECIAL attributes, the higher you manage to make 'em, the less effect a chem will have.


As for Rad roach legs; I think there's a relative difference between targeting radroach legs -which are thin sliverlike articulated stalks- or targeting a fleshy leg of a Supermutant. Sure you mayhave a 94 percent chance to hit in both cases, but it takes a marksman to shoot the wings off a fly. Whereas any gun wielding fool can hit an elephant that's already lying dead on the street (what an elephant would be doing on a street in the first place, I really don't know, but that's beside the point.)

Besides, a high percentage to-hit chance doesn't mean you will always make your shots count. I once had a 95 percent chance to hit a Supermutant in the head and I had enough actionpoints to empty a full clip of seven .32 rifle bullets into his ugly mug. Only one connected and did minimal damage. The other six shots never hit anything -well, at least not any part of the Supermutant. So I had one seriously p*ssed-off Supermutant charging at me with a Suoersledge and I was fresh out of action points. By the time I managed to switch to a weapon that was more effective on short distances, my head was nearly crippled.


And for me personally, after I have left the Vault I never target rad roaches in VATS anymore -well ,maybe only to get a fix on the roach, then I exit VATS and use my right mouse button for aiming mode and simply pop the little sucker with a silenced 10mm pistol. Should I encounter only one or two roaches, I use a small melee weapon in VATS and squash 'em good.

Out in the Wasteland roaches are just a little nuisance that you don't want getting too close to turn hostile. Other than that, they're a waste of ammo.


As for lockpicking in Oblivion vs. Fallout 3; they use two different systems. Lockpicking in Oblivion raises your lockpicking skill regardless of success or failure and when it's time to level up you can allocate more points to the governing attribute.

In Fallout 3 only your successful attempts at hacking, lockpicking and killing net you some XP. It doesn't improve your skill though. Only when it's time to level up you can choose what skill to boost; but you don't automatically boost your SPECIAL attributes as well -you can choose a perk for this or find a bobblehead, and such stuff.

Although there are certain similarities between the two games -apart fromr the obvious ones- Fallout 3 is not Oblivion with guns instead of swords and arrows. Well, that's of course just my personal opinion.

But then again, just as with Oblivion -and any other PC game of recent years- I make many restarts to get the feel of the game and develop my personal tactics for dealing with the situations and events thrust upon my main character.

Give it some time and those roaches will seem pretty insignificant.

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then we got uncle leo, you tell him to hand over everything he has and he tells you its a gift - WTF?!

also a mess up in scripting i think it is: first time i encountered uncle leo was close to an area that had normal sups, and i just had a fatman equipped , so I see a sup, i blow him up. uncle leo spallters all over the place.


How does that not make sense? He gives you the clothes, because he cannot give you the moon and the stars, for which you have to reach for yourself.


And the second part is not messed-up script, it's you being too triggerhappy.

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then we got uncle leo, you tell him to hand over everything he has and he tells you its a gift - WTF?!

also a mess up in scripting i think it is: first time i encountered uncle leo was close to an area that had normal sups, and i just had a fatman equipped , so I see a sup, i blow him up. uncle leo spallters all over the place.


How does that not make sense? He gives you the clothes, because he cannot give you the moon and the stars, for which you have to reach for yourself.


And the second part is not messed-up script, it's you being too triggerhappy.


the dialogue option literally is something like: give me all you have or i kill you ! and his answer: here its a gift. (one would assume he turns hostile, after all you are trying to rob him)


and you didn't read everything about the second part.

you can kill uncle leo if you shoot at him, pretty much every enemy in the game can kill uncle leo (which is why you quite often have to resurrect him to even meet him), however if you reverse pickpocket him, he becomes unkillable and hostile (which is the only time he does not run away from a fight). and I'm not talking grenades here, you can give him anything, hell if you give him 1 cap he attacks you.

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I didn't quote that because I agreed with it, it makes no sense, but then, most of the "essentials" make none.


But again, his words make sense. Yes, you're robbing him, but he gifts it to you anyway. Let me cook up some copy&pasta:


Uncle Leo's dialogue when you try to rob him, where he tells you the clothes are a gift and he wishes he could give you the "wonderful moon" comes from the following Zen Buddhist koan:


Ryokan, a Zen master, lived the simplest kind of life in a little hut at the foot of a mountain. One evening a thief visited the hut only to discover there was nothing to steal.

Ryokan returned and caught him. “You have come a long way to visit me,” he told the prowler, “and you should not return empty-handed. Please take my clothes as a gift.”

The thief was bewildered. He took the clothes and slunk away. Ryoken sat naked, watching the moon. “Poor fellow,” he mused, “I wish I could have given him this beautiful moon.”

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I read most of this thread and honestly you people have to get outside and do a few things.


Number 1.


Guns are machines, they are not complex pieces of equipment, if you can disassemble an automatic pistol, rifle, assault rifle and machine gun. Everything else is pretty much exactly the same.


Number 2.


Nukes are not the only thing that has mushroom cloud, any explosive has a mushroom effect.


Number 3.


The terminals You are carrying a mobile computer on your wrist, and a few dozen power cells. You do the math.


Number 4.


Picking locks any locksmith will tell you that you need something to manipulate the tumbles and turn the lock.


Number 5.


Have any of you ever shot a real gun? well guess what when you shoot flesh there is not a little hole. A bullet will tear someone's head off, not fallout style but it will.


Number 6.


Cooking off grenades, they have fuses enough said.


Number 7.


Shotgun traps, not a very good trap if you can see what makes it tick. THe mechanics are hidden.


Number 8.


Lights in random places and not enough people around. Well people have to scavenge for stuff and they hunt. Also maybe people are traveling between cities and places that are less damaged. There are plenty of reasons.




I think that covers most of the issues, I'll continue reading the thread in order to put in my .2 cents.

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About the Megaton bomb and how the town came about: I always thought that the bomb was there from a crashed aircraft. Wouldn't it make sense? The plane crash landed, left the bomb and all kinds of aircraft parts laying around. People used the parts to build some of the town of Megaton. Why in the heck they decided to build the town AROUND the bomb I have no idea. Warmth in the Winter?


they explained this ingame.



200 years ago, the place where Megaton is now was a major airport, and after the nuking several 747's crashed there while trying to land, producing a large crater.


over time, the people who had tried and failed to get into Vault 101 set up a town in and around that crater, using the wreckage from the planes that made it to build the town (thats why everything in Megaton is made from rusted out pieces of airplanes, although the airport itself has vanished after 200 years). and then, at some point after it had been settled, another bomb was dropped that fell into the middle of the crater, but turned out to be a dud.




the bomb wasnt there until after the people had already built a town, and then they probably figured that it was safer to stay there, in a strong defensive position, and gamble on the bomb being a dud, rather than try to go somewhere else in a wasteland thats extremely hostile and full of raiders (or at least they act like it is, in vanilla it really doesnt make any sense)

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It's a moot point. Unless you are evil you have no idea how to be evil. As most people are good they only have notions of what evil is. Sure they can name off some "evil" deeds. But does the act make one evil or is it more. A truely evil person more than likely does not perceive their actions as evil, Moreover they would probably perceive other "good" people to be evil, From their perceptions they are right. Good/Evil is a judgement placed on others. Whose definition of good/evil are you using? Personally I do not believe in the concepts of good or evil.


when i think of evil, i think of serial rapists/killers. just anyone who kills/ or severely wrongs another for no reason other than their own (usually sick) gratification, really.


especially if its done with a veneer of legality and justice, or if its done extremely light heartedly.

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