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Things that dont make sence FO3 version


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Why is the Stratovarious violin so fragile when there are wooden house frames over 200 years old that where hit by nukes and still standing?


In the Rivet City science lab there are fresh veggies on a table...from hydroponics. If they where grown by hydroponics, then why haven't they invested in hydroponics and grown up some veggie crops to feed everybody? There's plenty of unused space on the ship to do it.


Why is Oasis the only place plant life can grow? There are clearly birds flying in the sky and likely insects, which all help to spread pollination which would eventually help other plants to branch out. If the ground in Oasis is fertile enough to grow plants then everywhere else should be too. If you're going to tell me because of water, then where does Oasis get fresh water?


As if the "where do the kids come from" issue isn't bad enough, where did the rest of the non ghoul people come from if they all became ghouls after the bombs fell? You might say they came from the vaults...but if the vaults were all experiments and most residents died, then how many of them where enough like 101 that enough people where produced to repopulate the wasteland with raiders/mercs/wastelanders etc? Seems like a LOT of people escaped the vaults and then started to reproduce?

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Why is the Stratovarious violin so fragile when there are wooden house frames over 200 years old that where hit by nukes and still standing?


In the Rivet City science lab there are fresh veggies on a table...from hydroponics. If they where grown by hydroponics, then why haven't they invested in hydroponics and grown up some veggie crops to feed everybody? There's plenty of unused space on the ship to do it.


Why is Oasis the only place plant life can grow? There are clearly birds flying in the sky and likely insects, which all help to spread pollination which would eventually help other plants to branch out. If the ground in Oasis is fertile enough to grow plants then everywhere else should be too. If you're going to tell me because of water, then where does Oasis get fresh water?


As if the "where do the kids come from" issue isn't bad enough, where did the rest of the non ghoul people come from if they all became ghouls after the bombs fell? You might say they came from the vaults...but if the vaults were all experiments and most residents died, then how many of them where enough like 101 that enough people where produced to repopulate the wasteland with raiders/mercs/wastelanders etc? Seems like a LOT of people escaped the vaults and then started to reproduce?


That is a problem, but remember that humans are stubborn creatures, and they probley only met after the war to reproduce, that or they did it every chance they got and did it quickly; also keep in mind of migration. Of course that would account for a tiny pocket of people, but after 200 years, that population can grow to what it is in the Capital wasteland currently.

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Another thing on the super mutants taking people to 87 to turn them into super mutants....why exactly are they doing that? What's the point? They seem to be cannibals, why would they want more of their own kind to compete for "food"? Where are they getting all the FEV virus to make more mutants?
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You pose some good questions Evil D, but I think I can explain most of them.


Why is the Stratovarious violin so fragile when there are wooden house frames over 200 years old that where hit by nukes and still standing?


Soil Stradivariuses are finely crafted instruments that with even a little crack would seriously damage the ... tune of it, how that really matters I don't know. Those houses doesn't make sense though.


In the Rivet City science lab there are fresh veggies on a table...from hydroponics. If they where grown by hydroponics, then why haven't they invested in hydroponics and grown up some veggie crops to feed everybody? There's plenty of unused space on the ship to do it.


Weren't those suppousedly dangerous in large quantities? I recall someone mentioning it in a discussion between eachother. Thus they'd kill everyone if they grew crops to feed everyone. But yes by all means lets never go back to research that more after James suggests starting a water purification plant that we tried and failed on before.


Why is Oasis the only place plant life can grow? There are clearly birds flying in the sky and likely insects, which all help to spread pollination which would eventually help other plants to branch out. If the ground in Oasis is fertile enough to grow plants then everywhere else should be too. If you're going to tell me because of water, then where does Oasis get fresh water?


Not fresh water, rather freak of nature, Harold's seeds seem to be able to grow with irradiated water. He explains it vaguely. And that mother something says you should increase Harolds strength so he can spread his seeds further into the wasteland. Made sense to me. Didn't need another friggin' cult involved though.


As if the "where do the kids come from" issue isn't bad enough, where did the rest of the non ghoul people come from if they all became ghouls after the bombs fell? You might say they came from the vaults...but if the vaults were all experiments and most residents died, then how many of them where enough like 101 that enough people where produced to repopulate the wasteland with raiders/mercs/wastelanders etc? Seems like a LOT of people escaped the vaults and then started to reproduce?


I believe they came from all over where the bombs didn't hit. Such places that I know of is only Las Vegas, but they say alot of places wheren't hit. Point Lookout wasn't hit? Then they just came to Capital Wasteland for scavanging, surviving, running away from raiders, etc. The ghouls who got a face full of nukes was in the cities, or around where nukes fell, while the "normal" people was out of reach and only got a face full of fallout to hide from. That'd make sense wouldn't it? You also gotta take into account that it is a whole lot of people in America so some must have escaped lighter than certain others.


Another thing on the super mutants taking people to 87 to turn them into super mutants....why exactly are they doing that? What's the point? They seem to be cannibals, why would they want more of their own kind to compete for "food"? Where are they getting all the FEV virus to make more mutants?


Hey, another good point. I haven't got the slightest clue, but I would assume they're just hardwired to reproduce themselves, mindlessly so. I think it only takes exposure to FEV to make them into what they are, so no FEV is lost in the progress? How they get the humans inside the vault when its completely sealed off except for the Lamlight entrance... No idea.


Then again they shouldn't have to exhaustively explain absolutely everything about everything. Leave some for the mystery channel!

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Hey, another good point. I haven't got the slightest clue, but I would assume they're just hardwired to reproduce themselves, mindlessly so. I think it only takes exposure to FEV to make them into what they are, so no FEV is lost in the progress? How they get the humans inside the vault when its completely sealed off except for the Lamlight entrance... No idea.

You make them sound like the think ahead. If you listen to their conversation the basic arguement for making more Super Mutant is "Need more of us... To defeat the humans!" So basically Supermutants have embarked on a massive campaign to wipe out fleshy pink humans, in favour of themselves (big, green, dumb, sterile humans).


As if the "where do the kids come from" issue isn't bad enough, where did the rest of the non ghoul people come from if they all became ghouls after the bombs fell? You might say they came from the vaults...but if the vaults were all experiments and most residents died, then how many of them where enough like 101 that enough people where produced to repopulate the wasteland with raiders/mercs/wastelanders etc? Seems like a LOT of people escaped the vaults and then started to reproduce?

To become a ghoul requires specific conditions, namely an assload of radiation -it varies as to whether you need a ton in a short time or less over a longer time - (and possibly according to FO1 lore a dose of Mariposa strain FEV along with the low-level rads). Bear in mind not every human iinstantly died or became a ghoul. Mosty died, but some most definitely survived and so reproduced.

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Here's one i never heard mention of....can ghouls reproduce? I know it's likely that those parts are rotted like everything else...but lets say they're not...then what?

Well Nova mentioned something about having sex with Gob, like mentioning his was soft or something, but not rotten so I guess it's possible, but I'd rather not think about it.

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Here's one i never heard mention of....can ghouls reproduce? I know it's likely that those parts are rotted like everything else...but lets say they're not...then what?

No, like all products of mariposa strain FEV mixed with radiation -go read FO1/2 lore - Ghouls are sterile, there was in fact a crazed Ghould doctor (in Necropolis I belive) who managed to get 2 or 3 ghoul children born. At the expense of >100 abducted humans who died... Ghouls cannot reproduce (carol confirms this "[Gob] he's my son. Well, not [really[/i] we ghouls don't work that way you see.").

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Yeah, but how come their population doesn't dwindle over time? Where do the Children come from? 200 years would cut down their numbers some...


Who says their population hasn't dwindled? Really, where does it imply their population has been stable over 200 years? There is only a handful of kids by the time you arrive. Little Lamplight would likely be empty or nearly so if you arrived even ten years later.

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Here's one i never heard mention of....can ghouls reproduce? I know it's likely that those parts are rotted like everything else...but lets say they're not...then what?

No, like all products of mariposa strain FEV mixed with radiation -go read FO1/2 lore - Ghouls are sterile, there was in fact a crazed Ghould doctor (in Necropolis I belive) who managed to get 2 or 3 ghoul children born. At the expense of >100 abducted humans who died... Ghouls cannot reproduce (carol confirms this "[Gob] he's my son. Well, not [really[/i] we ghouls don't work that way you see.").



Wait...i thought super mutants originated from the FEV virus and ghouls came from extreme levels of radiation? This was why i asked...i remember the part about Carol, but she also says she was there the day the bombs fell so what did she have to do with FEV?


I guess it comes down to the rotting issue and maybe the high levels of radiation makes them sterile.

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