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How do you change the Items you start with...!!???


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Need help changing the items I start with such as the shirt, pants, sandals and shackles, just want to remove them or change them to different clothing.. Ive looked everywhere and cant find a thing on this..

Thanks in advance..

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You will need to create a small mod. In TES CS look under NPCs. Goto "Player." Open his inventory and give him some nicer clothes. (I don't know how he snuck them in past the guards.) Alternately, you might place some nicer clothes somewhere in the secret escape tunnel. That might seem more realistic. You can just drag the items from the object menu and drop them on the floor or someplace in the render window.



Sweet thx.. right under my nose :P.... Im still kinda new to the TES CS .. The reason I was asking is because Ive change the starting area to a much nicer place, shackles and crap clothes make no sense :P..

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