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Interior Rooms are Extremely Laggy With Multiple NPCs


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I've noticed when I was placing NPCs into my mod that the room experiences intense lag when the player walks through. The area is meant to be Market of sorts with roughly 8 merchants, but even that is enough to make the game lag. This is an issue because I planned to have several more NPCs patroling the area and interacting with the Interior components. Anyone have a resolution to this?

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are there more then one room in the Cell? You could use some roombounds and portals to help with the lag because things outside of the roombounds and portals that the player can't see don't render until the player looks at them.

It is actually one ratherly large cell. I tried separating the top and bottom floor, but it did not achieve the atmosphere I desired. http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3805/12738207364_38b2991813_b.jpg

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Yes I see but you could break it up with Roombounds and portals which are a tool to optimize the cell. What Roombounds and portals do is make it so what the player can't see is not rendered which will increase the performance in the cell. There is a Fallout 3 youtub tutorial by beth on how to Optimize your cells I suggest you look it up.

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Yes I see but you could break it up with Roombounds and portals which are a tool to optimize the cell. What Roombounds and portals do is make it so what the player can't see is not rendered which will increase the performance in the cell. There is a Fallout 3 youtub tutorial by beth on how to Optimize your cells I suggest you look it up.

Alright, bear with me here as I have no idea how to fix this. But I accidentally placed Roombound and when I go in game, The Stuff wont render so it simply looks like the player is walking in an empty cell. How do I select a roombound in GECK and remove it?

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go to view\show hide and there is a check box for roombounds (by default it is not checked.) then delete the box like you would delete any other object.

Alright, thanks. I just found the Roombound tutorial. It doesn't quite work exactly as well due to the layout of things, But I was able to place a few of them around to significantly decrease the lag from what it once was. Thanks for the help!

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