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[BUG] Invisible NPCs and Mobs.


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As you are learning, adding a bunch of mods and then starting a new game isn't a very fast way to enjoy modded Oblivion.


My advice is to uninstall all mods, start a new game with completely vanilla Oblivion (use Revert to vanilla data as a guide). Go through the tutorial dungeon up to the point you see the sewer exit in the distance (just before you get the character finalization menu). Before the finalization menu make a save using the Esc menu save or a named console save. You will use this save in the future if you ever want to start a new character without redoing the whole tutorial. Exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the first. You will use this save to continue your character after installing and testing mods. Next make sure your vanilla game is running properly now that you are out in the wide world (the tutorial dungeon doesn't tax your hardware, and thus doesn't show you how well your machine handles the options you've chosen). Adjust your setting as necessary.


Next go to the Imperial City Market District (preferably around mid day when it's busy) and check that your game is still running smoothly. Make another save, again not overwriting your first two. This will be your mod testing save. Now you can start adding mods, one at a time and testing thoroughly in between using the Market District save (don't forget to exit the IC and have a look around too, especially if one of those mods is a graphical upgrade/update type mod).


Sounds like it would be slower, but this method will always beat the "install a whole whack of mods at once" method every time (unless you are an extremely experienced modder, installing mods that you are completely familiar with).

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As you are learning, adding a bunch of mods and then starting a new game isn't a very fast way to enjoy modded Oblivion.


My advice is to uninstall all mods, start a new game with completely vanilla Oblivion (use Revert to vanilla data as a guide). Go through the tutorial dungeon up to the point you see the sewer exit in the distance (just before you get the character finalization menu). Before the finalization menu make a save using the Esc menu save or a named console save. You will use this save in the future if you ever want to start a new character without redoing the whole tutorial. Exit the sewer and make another save, not overwriting the first. You will use this save to continue your character after installing and testing mods. Next make sure your vanilla game is running properly now that you are out in the wide world (the tutorial dungeon doesn't tax your hardware, and thus doesn't show you how well your machine handles the options you've chosen). Adjust your setting as necessary.


Next go to the Imperial City Market District (preferably around mid day when it's busy) and check that your game is still running smoothly. Make another save, again not overwriting your first two. This will be your mod testing save. Now you can start adding mods, one at a time and testing thoroughly in between using the Market District save (don't forget to exit the IC and have a look around too, especially if one of those mods is a graphical upgrade/update type mod).


Sounds like it would be slower, but this method will always beat the "install a whole whack of mods at once" method every time (unless you are an extremely experienced modder, installing mods that you are completely familiar with).

Well, my oblivion is new. I haven't got mods installed in it.

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There are settings that determine how far away from the player things (including NPCs) are visible. You don't have those sliders to the far left do you?

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