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half formed idea


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I tend to read a lot of fanfiction and today it gave me an idea that might be applied to skyrim. I think it wouldn't take much effort to do so and it has two different parts.


Anyway, this relates to swords and basically everything sharp and pointy. See, when you just get started then shouldn't you be easily disarmed by more experienced characters? Let's say that you are a starting character with all your stats at minimum. And you meet an enemy that's a bit stronger then you are or depending on the mods installed a LOT stronger then you are.


Shouldn't that mean that this enemy should be able to disarm you pretty easily? I think it makes sense. Right so the first part is basically a mod that makes it ( a lot) easier to be disarmed by higher levelled enemies. The second might be more or less the same but still... different.


If you start playing as a warrior type character why then are you able to play with shield and sword perfectly? Shouldn't you at least at the beginning be forced to use only a sword and rely on agility to avoid the blows of your enemy until you are skilled enough to have a good handle about your blade in order to add a shield on top of it?


Personally, I rarely play as a warrior, I nearly always use a lot of magic and use only melee as a last resort so I suppose my idea might already be applied. And of course depending on the weapon itself it may change. That's about it really.


Is it good? bad?

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Seems my suggestion isn't worth anything. That hurt it really does. Oh well, it's not like I expected a dozen reactions telling me it's a wonderful/great/unique idea or a combination of that. But it would have been nice to at least be told yes good or no bad idea you know.


Oh well, nothing to do about it.



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Requiem includes a system where being attacked while exhausted (low on health or stamina) has a chance of disarming you. With the way perks and stat level-ups work in Requiem, this makes fighting as a starting character much more difficult until you can take the right perks and boost your stamina a bit, otherwise a skilled foe will just knock your battleaxe out of your hand after your opening series of clumsy power attacks that drain all your stamina.

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