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CTD with freshly installed vanilla game


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EDIT: tell me, what sort of monitor are you using? cuz, the graphics chips are talking to a strange set of other chips and screen rez that are not recognizing the games templates.

nor is the graphics drivers being set up to match the game requirements.

Edited by Purr4me
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that is your bug ,there is your glitch.

what browser do you use? I ask because the browser is tied into the desk top and the desktop reflects the software's installed. IF you have installed some sort of editing software or Office pancakes that overwrote the main systems default display drivers in favor of that programs set up, then the last installed program is in charge of the display settings.


In Firefox, you can right click any open window and select inspect Element , in there is a tool set, one item is a cube, that cube represents 3D rendering capability of the system and the drivers ability to display 3d Environments.


IF the display drivers are not correct, this 3d action will not load in Firefox and it will tell you so.

Example of my meaning.


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So, is the wrong resolution that is causing my CTD? Because now I selected the correct one and CTD is still occurring...


EDIT: now the game is updated (I checked Falout3.exe version), but CTD still happens.

Edited by GOsteW
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So, is the wrong resolution that is causing my CTD? Because now I selected the correct one and CTD is still occurring...


EDIT: now the game is updated (I checked Falout3.exe version), but CTD still happens.

instant CTD?

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I think the op has leftover files from when he uninstalled Fallout 3. He says that the fallout.ini already has the changes made to limit the cores to two and it was done automatically. It sounds like he has a left over .ini in the My Games folder.

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I made sure I deleted everything before installing the game via Steam... Well, one can never be sure enough though... If you're right I would need to uninstall eveything via Steam and re-install the game, wouldn't I?

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@M48A5, aggreed, I was just making a replacement set for him. here in lies the problem, he is Italian, so his game sets are not in English.


I can bet there is also a conflict there as well.



that is an English set of ini files for the user document games folder, it is an ATI radon card set. none the less, it is vanilla with the correct CPU upgrades and tweaks. If you have seen any of my stuff, you will know I am all vanilla so I don't cheat.


in regards to left overs? he did say he has a fresh install? only is it overwrote? that's the key, and windows of any version has a really bad habit of storing backed up information steam loves to takes bites out of and inject data hidden.


there are ways to get around things. Fomm use is one of them. stay away from fancy down loaders and managers until you establish a raw clean game Environment first. then worry about mods.


for mods, there should be absolutely no mods at all in this session for use to guide you any further. Doubt has been raised as to what is in the games data base and the systems data base.


fallout 3.esm should be the only module loading period. there should be no lose files in the data directory, you should have the fake live dll enabled in the fomm utility and archive invalidated Enabled.


now. this is a large wall of text. barley covers avenues of approach.


we are here to help you, but language barriers are inherent here. we will stand by.



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