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How to block Companions AI packages till player resqued her?


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I have created a companion with day/night cycle. (work/sleep)


How can i lock this companion with these ai packages in a cell, preventing the companion to leave or beam out of the cell to follow her day/night cycle?

She could start with this cycle after the cell door is opened, after the player talked to her or after the player opened her wall shackles, what ever would be the easiest way.


Sorry that i'm asking a lot here atm, but i'm finishing my mod and want to solve the last problems left.

Thanks a lot btw to everyone for the previous help here in this forum, made a lot of things much better!

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I don't mess with AI packages, so this might not work, but could you put her in an alias and attach an ai package to here that way, one that tells her to stay put? Make it always active and have a higher priority than the ones causing problems (if ai packages can be given priority). When you reach the stage in the quest where she should go about her business, clear() the alias. It's a guess.

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It's possible to give them an order, maybe the ai package at the top has the most priority then. But even if this works, i would have no idea how to disable this "stay in cell"-package when the player met her then, so that she can start her cycle.

This reaching a stage an clearing an alias sounds like a possible solution, but is out of my knowledge to be honest, there is no questline in my mod because i failed in creating this some time ago. :(

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