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Heyah! x


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Hey! x I'm Lauren Britain, yes, that really is my name!


Yepp, I'm new! Erm, it was my boyfriend who got me into gaming, and i love games like Oblivion, though I haven't given Fallout 3 a go yet, but i'll just "borrow" that off of tom!


Oh aye, it was also my boyfriend who suggested going on this! He's called... I forget... Oh, he just told me, he's called Katshy or something.


Yeah, HEY!


Thanks fo reading this i guess...

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Ah yes, so the mysterious one brings along a huntress to aid him in his exploits. I hope he is as entertaining and spontaneous as he is on the forums. It was a pleasure to meet you, Lauren. I'm glad to hear that you enjoy gaming. We could always use another female gamer in our midst.


I am kungfubellydancer, but there is a great variety of names you could address me as, and I don't mind a name of your own for me. I am the de facto nexus ghost; I pop in unexpectedly, stay for a few days, and then vanish into the real world for months on end.


Enough about me, I hope you enjoy your stay here!



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It's Lauren by the way, but Tom wasjust helping me make the account, and he "can't be bothered logging off" and told me to reply on this...


He is very entertaining and spontaneous, though HE CAN BE ANNOYING!


Yeah, I'm sure I will enjoy it here, thanks.

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Hiya. Glad to see you like games. As long as you never like them
you should be okay. That video was just for some context. The REAL gits and shiggles are here.
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