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Underware Roast! 17+ Mature gamers topic only.


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I'm supprised that the North Carolina University for the Mentally Handicapped has a library


but anyways


fet⋅ish [fet-ish, fee-tish]




any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.


or in other words, just like that obsession you have with household vacum cleaners

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Roast your favorite game flaws here and Hey! If you are under 17 + avert your eyes from this post.


Vault Dweller, "Hey! Dead raider man or woman, why don't you give me that underwear you put on so I can sell it to a trader for a few caps. Hey! Since you can change clothes when you are dead, here's a shovel, bury yourself before the censors look in and are offended by your nudity."


Mature gamers only.


Thanks for posting! You Young Ghouls and Boils.

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I'm supprised that the North Carolina University for the Mentally Handicapped has a library


but anyways


fet⋅ish [fet-ish, fee-tish]




any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.


or in other words, just like that obsession you have with household vacum cleaners


so am I...


I thought we were haveing a roast... but I guess not...


Think of something from the game that in your own opinion sparked some mental flares for being non-sense and post a humourous or satirical roast about it.



I'm so sorry. My bad. I did not realize you were the person who wrote that part of the software into the game Tony the wookie. You should declare yourself if you are.


Besides I thought you understood the idea was to roast the games stuff that did not make any sense to you and I. Aiming it a the Game building crew so they could be given a sort of send off as it seems they aren't going to be adding any more DLC mod material for the the game.


That first roast I posted was to roast the person who put the body replacers in the game that gave the corpse the effect that they weren't really dead, it was as if they were just pretending. So hence I added, "Here's a shovel, why don't you bury yourself, etc. and so on."


Are you the person responsible for that little quirk, known as the body replacer, Tony the wookie?


And you Tony the wookie were roasting my roast not adding your own bit of game that flagged your attention!

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I'm so confused right now.


Oh! Let me clear up your mind for you, Tony the wookie was roasting my rosst about something that did not make seinse in the game. I am the one who was being Roasted eventually instead of the Game material that was making flamers fame and I thought it would be nice to try out a more satirical humor approach post aimed at what doesn't make sense in the game.


Tony the wookie, and maybe others, started roasting my material instead of adding a non-sense point that sparked their own sense. That wasn't the effect I expected and still don't. Of course we could go on with the roasting each other theme if you would like to roast either of us or anyone else. If you offend anyone else in the posting though that is your responsibility as well. I will take whatever heat I get. But now that we are all aware that roasting is what is going on. Heat up your great flame thrower and let's Flame on!

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Every roast I have ever seen not only had the guest of honor being roasted, but everyone was roasting each other as well...


They ussually take a shot at everyone on stage, so I assumed that was the point



Plus, it really does no good to roast someone who is not even here... don't you think...


On one hand, the game developers work hard at trying to put out the best game they possibly can, but fall short of being perfect so you want to roast them. On the other hand, you like to go around striping the clothes off of dead bodys, and you are wondering why Bethesda didn't spend more time makeing the naked dead bodys more realistic...



You just made yourself such a big target it was immposible not to roast you...



But if that was not the idea of this thread, then I will gladly leave, I take no pleasure in insulting people unless it is all part of the roast... which I guess I was wrong when I assumed it was.

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Every roast I have ever seen not only had the guest of honor being roasted, but everyone was roasting each other as well...


They ussually take a shot at everyone on stage, so I assumed that was the point


Don't leave on account of my limited edu in the forums. I find your sentiments add artistic flare to the scene.


You have definitely been using the forums far more then I have. And now that you have educated me a bit I will be better prepared to take a shot as well as return fire and add some of my own insights roasting unsuspecting or veterans like yourself a roast when ever I see a point where I can fan the flames.


Thanks for giving me the straight information. I will honor it accordingly.


Stick around! I will never know when I could use some upgrading myself and who better to drop a mini-nuke on me once in awhile then a veteran like yourself.


And! As for the Roasting of the Game Crew I hoped I might inspire them and get some of them to drop in to to warm themselves by the fires we fans like to set. Pray for salvation Game builders and I will act according to my own beliefs. (Just kidding. It is a great game!)


I kind of follow the, "Do As Thou Wilt" concepts. I recently got my edu upgraded to the fact a fellow I had a briefly crossed paths in my study group on anthropology. It turned out he wrote those words, each letter ten feet high, on a jagged cliff side and spent a good deal of his life pondering the meanings of various organizations. I only recently recalled his name from within the anthropology 101 class I almost got started enjoying. My financial aide was reduced so I had to go seek work again to support my extra credits during a recession not quite as bad as the global one some of us of the Planet Earth are suffering from.


I learned awhile ago, to sell if my stock drops ten percent and many who use that logic are saved from disaster.


Do remain posting here. I am sure I will enjoy the life you add to the scheme of it and see if it flavors any of my own future talent from leaning from the experience its another plus.


Have you played the mod COMM by JaySuS? It has a couple of obvious short quiests, and there ialso I found on an island a strange addition hidden to those who fail to explore his islands.

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Playful banter....quite amusing, but do continue to show respect for each other. An entertaining read which brought a smile to an old man's face.


Having been in combat, trust me you strip everything of use from the fallen, friend and foe alike as you never know what is going to save you own backside in the end.


Play on my friends, this was not moderator action, just posts from another member.



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one other thing, where are all the birds ?? * animals know when bad things are going on, like when humans go around nuking, blowing up stuff * what happed to them ?? some birds would still be alive if you ask me , they would be picking on all the dead bodys on the planet , come on a Crow / Raven would be around still if a little mutated , we have ants ..... if you ask me more mutated animals need to be around , also what around sheep and goats !!!!! lol
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