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lol if you play fallout on the hardest setting trust me you can`t kill nothing with one shot :) and they still see you sometime before you duck ^_^ i dont always wear that gear also :)
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Tony the wookie. I ask again, this time with more detail, "Which one of the posted sentences of mine were weak attempts at humor in your thinking?"


The last post I recalled when I saw your post about my humor was pointing to the fact the Vultures in overload1977 offering seemed to be all feathers.


And I was amused at the possibility you had been referring to it to. I am sure the bird would not think it was funny.


I clearly see that my posts are shorthand thinking that a close friend would understand. My apologies for forgetting where I am and assuming you and I are that close as of yet.

The same apology goes out to anyone else who may have found my posts confusing.

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I wasn't seriously refering to anything about you humor... just like I wasn't seriously makeing a commentary on how Overload plays Fallout...


I was just ripping on people... because that is what a roast is...


Have you ever actually seen a roast?



A roast is no fun if everyone starts takeing things seriously... The whole idea is just to take anything you can and turn it into a satire...








If people are actually going to take what I say serious, then im just going to leave, because like I said, I take no joy in actually insulting people, just in makeing jokes ripping on people

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What about the kamakazi AI of the Raiders and Super Mutants? It's pretty annoying when a raider comes up and shoots at the ground blowing up not only you, but him, his partner, and his dog. I doubt a raider would actually do that. Not to mention they're infinite missiles.


PS. Could we please stop the back and forth fighting? I understand it's a roast, but it's not a flame war.

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I wasn't seriously refering to anything about you humor... just like I wasn't seriously makeing a commentary on how Overload plays Fallout...


I was just ripping on people... because that is what a roast is...


Have you ever actually seen a roast?



A roast is no fun if everyone starts takeing things seriously... The whole idea is just to take anything you can and turn it into a satire...






If people are actually going to take what I say serious, then im just going to leave, because like I said, I take no joy in actually insulting people, just in makeing jokes ripping on people


I understand. I just like to clear up the confusion when the post roasts seem to have lost their connections, or thread as some people like to call it.


Since our posts are separated by some other visitors posts who are definitely not always following the fan fair, it can leave a gap so others that drop by don't see the play that is going on tween you, anyone else who throws in, and me. So, it could be a better roast if you made sure you were pointing your barbecue baister at me when you fire up the charcoal as it seems the others are not especially interested in the feature we crossed keyboards over.


As to your offer to leave: Yeah well if the flare isn't starting up the coals maybe it is time to try adding some perspective on the games purely non-mature points of references as there appears to be very many of them. Just read that post about things that don't make sence in the game and I am sure you could find a bunch of material you recognized yourself to use instead of always aiming to singe the hair off everyone's eyebrows that drops in for spoof.

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One thing that annoys me, is the mods that are made that make the females nude with highly detailed boobs and vaginas.

I mean, this is a shooting/role playing game. Not a porno.



Even worse, there are actually mods that have the animations for having sex.

That's pretty sad when you spend your time watching virtual sex in Fallout 3.


Also, another thing that annoys me is when people use Fallout like a dress up game.



Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose of the game? I mean, is that why they play fallout?

To make their character look "pretty?" Dress them up then pose them having sex?

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I mean, is that why they play fallout?

No. It's a plus.


It's not only a game, it's a sandbox, a tool of creation. As such, there is nothing strange about it.


The dress up thing I guess I understand from what you said. But still, the whole making people have sex I still think is strange.

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