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What about the Nuka Cola machines magically being Re-stocked after 3-4 days? What, come on, I don't believe for a second that someone is still being PAID to do such a thing.


Maybe it's a Ghoul from before the war who has a compulsion to re-stock them, occasionally breaking the bottle or popping the cap off on accident so not only is there soda, but bottle caps as well?


Seriously, who comes up with that?


Not to mention that the player can pick up empty bottles and such, but never once thinks to stop and fill them up with purified water when he has the opportunity. I mean, WOW bethesda, making purified water rare in itself, but also giving no option to utilize the numerous empty milk and soda bottles for new stocks of pure water. What kind of shrooms were you smoking, because I want some for my family.


And another thing, if Power Armor is supposed to be the be-all-end-all ultimate protection, why does it suck so hard? That's not balance, that's lazyness. If you're going to make the T-51B unique, why not give it stats befitting of the best Pre-War tech?


Finally. Unique Weapons. Do you even understand the concept of "Unique Weapons"? It's not "Give a generic gun slightly less generic stats", it's "Put forward the effort to make a gun look, sound, feel, and be unique against the generic guns". How hard would it have been to, say, make Vengeance the classic Laser Gatling from Fallout 2? Or make Jack look more like the Classic Ripper from Fallout 2? Or goodness no, make the Smugglers End and Protectron's Gaze into Wattz 1000 laser pistols?


Apparently not very hard, because it's already been done by modders and then some.

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I don't see how Animated Prostitution is art. Or if you download a sound addon thingy for it you, I quote, "Enjoy the sound of nova coming." If that is art, that is some twisted kind of art.


This whole game is art. And a fine bunch of scavenged graffi some people actually did on walk ways, walls, train cars. Art imitates Life, or is that, Life imitatess Art. lol

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You seem to have a very romantic outlook on things.


I'm similar, but I'm young, gay, and mated to my wonderful Wuffie. So yeah, I know romance and love are balancing acts for both/all involved.


Good luck to you, though.


Since I was eighteen I have been recovering from a serious accident that took me close to brain death. Damages occurred that made me mentally the equivalent of a 10 year old. I was made to stay in a hospital full of male veterans from the Korean conflict and Viet Nam era. All of which were severely injured and would likely never leave Ft Lyons, Co. to return to their homes. They did the best they could in the hospital with each others company.


I broke two rules. I got my health back and I started chasing the girl nurses like a little dog in heat. I am now living after a very good recovery and played MORROWIND part of the time, Oblivion too, and now Fallout 3. I have had all sorts of relationships that gave me a taste of the smorgasboard of life. The fundemental fact is boys will be boys and girls will be girls.


Games people play are not strange to adults, only small minded children who have had their hearts broken because they were young and had no one to talk about their experiences with which to help them understand the game of life with more flare for fun and less flare for violent abuse. I get the idea you have a good relationship. I am just banking on the fact I will find one if I keep my focus on the idea until a warm glow occurs between me and a new gal.


I am poetic and get into moods stirred up by this ethereal cyberspace. Since you are open about your life love I honestly accept you the way you are. Which in my mind puts you at the dance in the crowd. Each member who has chosen a mate is just as useful for my game play on life. For my dream girl does use others to take my focus off of her long enough for her to hide anew until I have kindly finished our discussion and found some lead as to where she is hiding out now.


I might actually have the beginnings of a new style of video game brewing up here.


What do all you readers of this think? Or should I switch over to SIMMs Romantic online for gamers instead?

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I don't see how Animated Prostitution is art. Or if you download a sound addon thingy for it you, I quote, "Enjoy the sound of nova coming." If that is art, that is some twisted kind of art.


I do find mods like that just plane weird...


Half naked chicks running around killing supermutants, I am a big fan of, but running around pimping yourself out is just odd...

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Good Gob Almighty. I treated Gob with the civl tongue line and found out he sells stimpaks at a lower price than Moira. I think she should have become a companion right off to help write the Survival Guide of the Wasteland. She would have assisted a little bit and I might not have had to reload the game so many times. I was not ready for the sniper, exploding cars, and pop cans that laid in waiting for me the first time I walked straight up the street.
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What about the Nuka Cola machines magically being Re-stocked after 3-4 days? What, come on, I don't believe for a second that someone is still being PAID to do such a thing.


Maybe it's a Ghoul from before the war who has a compulsion to re-stock them, occasionally breaking the bottle or popping the cap off on accident so not only is there soda, but bottle caps as well?


Seriously, who comes up with that?

Since when do they restock?
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this just keeps getting better but people DONT have a go at people posting in here this is a Roasting after all whoever keeps clicked the report button please don`t, if funny if you dont read much into it ....


oh what about all the locked ammo boxs ect you find. are you the only one left who has hair pins and can unlock items lol


this is just silly lol


haha yeah.

That's kinda strange now that I think about it.

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In the PC version the Nuka-Cola Machines don't restock. Only the Pristine machine in our hovel at either place gets stocked when we click on it with Nuka-Colo in our inventory. If we give the okay the Nuka-Cola is chenged to Ice cold Nuka-Cola. Then we have to click on the Pristine Nuka-Colo machine again to get the Ice Cold Nuka-Cola out of it. Ice Cold Nuka-Cola also has a greater number of refreshing hit points. Rads 2 and HP 20. Take some rad-x when you are eating and drinking regular stuff to reduce the amount of rads in most drinks and food by half.


As for other game machine like XBOX360 or the PS3 versions I have read that there are some differences in the game, but this is the first time anyone whose post I have read mentioned any of the Nuka-Cola machines, Pristine or otherwise, restocking during the game. There are so many regular Nuka-Cola machines throughout the game board that it is likely to find a new one occasionally even when you think you have found them all.


The reason for this post not getting the Roasts may be do to the fact not many of us have had a lot of experience at it. Go ahead take your best shot.

All it takes is a little practice. If you are new at it you should be aware that it can get cause some people to misintrepret your meanings without the emotional brew added to it that we see on television shows because there we can see the person or people in action.


To be able to do it with words alone takes a little more. We have to put the emotion we feel into words too as we sense them and blend them appropriately to make it really a good crowd pleaser. That takes some practice, but can get really spicy at times once a person gets the hang of it.


Check out the first page or two. The one person who is targeting others with some good effect is a little more skilled at it and finds some interesting points to take a shot at roasting them for fun. If we get good at it we could become band of for hire roasters for parties. Roasting someone with words that have the added emotional venue can help one get real good at it and put it in their act. Take Don Rickles for instance, Please. He was the king of comedic roasts and insults and always finding the laughs.


If you don't have any flaws that you want to exploit it is difficult to see other peoples exploitable flaws. Of course then I would expect that you think you're really smart and the rest of us would have a hey day, knocking your intellectual ego. As some have done with me. I mean it, Hey! That hurt so good. I cried while I was looking for a comeback. The one suggesting I ate allot of crow, was different because I thought of a come back without a hint of pained delay on that one, "I see you found out I was the one stealing your lunch." heh heh


If you have time and get get the mod to work on your machine COMM by JaySuS it has a neat addition to it which challenges you to a duel of potent stabs of wit at the creature you find. Locate the big skull on Cry's Island. You can't win a battle sometimes unless you're better at confounding your enemy then the enemy is at doing it to you in that game theme. Roasts are basically giving someone a laugh at their own life experience like Televisions Funniest Home Videos was.


I remember the time I saw a repeat of a television show that was in the when television was broadcast live from the stage and often was filled with a good deal of adlibbing which made the actors more human because of the mistakes they made. The one I am refering to is a show which made a comedian famous, "Milton Berle". He was doing his bit and had to drink a shot of whiskey in the skit. Only someone put real whiskey in the glass. After messing up his first run they spiked it again assuring him it was tea or water. Naturelly the fun for that half an hour or hour show made him even more popular because he made the most out of it. He adlibbed to show how flexible a comedian can be under fire.


I left some really good stuff to roast over an open fire, but I guess you were all expecting we were going to roast marshmellows and make s'mores. :yucky: Roast, roast!

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