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weird land problem in oblivion


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I reinstalled my oblivion game I deleted everything and started over

got through the sewers and went outside and when I look at the ground all I see is a purple map of the cell I'm in which is the map of the imperial city basically the map in the strategy guide and its in every block in that cell so all I see on the ground is that map for as far as my character can see and it's like that in all the cells has anyone experienced this and how do I fix this its quite annoying thanks for any help u can give

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Pardon me, but isn't this known to be a damaged shader file error indicator?

If you search for it in the forums, the answer is always to re-install the default shader package from here:



I'm not sure how the shader files can be messed up 'after' a re-install, but then again I'm also quite clueless about what exactly was done during or after the reinstall.


(After every reinstall though remember to have your game patched to the latest version v1.2.0416, either the SI version, if you have the Shivering Isles DLC installed, OR the non-SI-version, if not.

GotY and other editions come pre-patched already, or will install the patch when you install a disc, and don't require you to patch them yourself anymore.

Just make sure the version number at the bottom of your main menu title screen is v1.2.0416.)

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There's always something we never stumbled across so far or simply never learned. We've all been beginners at one point before and will be again in other topics later.

As a coincidence I'm actively creating mods for the game for also 10 years now, and there's still several topics left I never touched so far and know virtually nothing about.


Knowledge exchange is what makes these forums great. Not everybody here knows everything, but somebody knows something someone else doesn't, and in turn this someone else knows something others don't.

At the end of the day all will know more than before, and thus knowledge will have spreaded.


You'd be surprised how much I learned from helping others figure out their problems just to stumble across a completely new issue I never witnessed before or a totally unexpected solution that actually worked out in the end. That's why I'm frequenting these forums on a daily basis and not just keeping it inside my own mod upload discussions. Others learn from me as I learn from them, and everybody wins. I like that! :thumbsup:


/-uh, sry for the babbling.

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