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How do you shout while casting and more then once per day?


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I am trying to build a god-like character and use a fly/levitate spell to get around and I want to be able to constantly cast auruas whisper to highlight anything alive below me. I already found out how to cast it with no cool down so I can do it as often as I want, however the range is set depending on where you cast it (if if you fly half a map away it wont highlight the new npcs below you).


I cant for the life of my figure out how to allow me to use the shout while Im flying because the flying spell is a concentration type and so its always casting. I want to be able to constantly fly and keep shouting every 10 seconds or so because otherwise I have to keep landing, and that totally destroys the feeling of being a god. I want to keep it immersive!


Yes its over powered, yes its silly, but it makes the game more enjoyable for me lol.


Any ideas?

Edited by iamdudeofall
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That was my backup plan, the only issue is I have a haste mod that increases my speed by 600% and thats what I use with my other hand. It is really nice having a third trigger I can use (Z) while im concentration casting two different spells. If I need to Ill do it, and switch back and fourth while flying, but sometimes it glitches due to how the flying mod works and I fall if I switch spells while in the air. :(

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Make a spell that does two things-fly and aura whisper, by merging the two somehow. Then replace the splash sound effect that you get when the message says " You cannot shout while casting" appears into the full Aura whisper shout, and press Z to use it every 10 seconds. Essentially, you are simulating the aura whisper shout, but the actual effect comes from the spell.

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