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would it be possible to make, or is there a house outside Whiterun, that has a basement with all the crafting equipment, including a staff enchanter. custom storage for each one (kinda of like the basement in the Dragonborn Estate mod by Carl Hackman..but with a lot more mannequins and weapons racks like the basement of the Skyfall Estate mod by Ld50365.) with a full kitchen..cooking pot, baking oven, ect. that could also be compatible with the Harthfires and Dragonborn DLC. along with the Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions mod by TMPhoenix...would all that be possible? if so..it would be gratly appreciated...i have tried a lot of different mods for it...but none have been quite what im looking for....i would try and do it myself...but i have no clue how to make a mod...and would probably break something..

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I really think you should try this yourself. Making a house mod is a great place to start modding, because it's mostly just static items (the walls and tables). Adding the furniture (the crafting stations) is just dragon and drop. Pretty much anything will be compatible with Dragonborn, so that wouldn't be an issue. Making it work with the multiple adoptions mod might be tricky, but we'd try and help when you got there.


-Making House -> Very easy

-Placing Items -> Very easy

-Placing Crafting Stations -> Easy

-Placing Storage -> Easy/Easy (placing an empty container is extremely easy, making them automatic containers with SJogga's automatic storage containers scripts, which you should definitely do, is also very easy)

-Placing Doors -> Very easy

-Placing Mannequins -> Moderate/Difficult

-Placing Bookshelves -> Easy/Moderate (it's an easy task, but you have to delete a lot of extra clutter around them after you've copied and pasted one from a Heartfires house)

-Hearthfires Adoptions/Spouses -> No clue

-Idle Markers -> Very easy

-Lighting -> Very easy

-Navmeshing (NPC movement rules) -> Difficult to learn, easy to do


I always start houses by copying the cell of a house I want to base mine on. I'm not saying you have to do this yourself, but you'll certainly be able to decide what the result will be.


As for breaking things, you won't. Just remember, do not edit any items in the object window that you didn't make. Instead, right-click it, duplicate it, then edit this new one to your heart's content.

Edited by Xander9009
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I would second giving it a shot if you haven't as well! None of us started knowing exactly what we were doing when making a mod. We had an idea and we had a few tutorials, some with more backround/familiarity than others. You've got an idea and many more tutorials and advice than there were 2 years ago. The best place to start is at the beginning tutorials on the Creation Kit wiki and the Youtube videos by various folks. All of the things you described can be done by yourself with a gentle learning curve. The only part you'll have some difficulty with is the Hearthfire multiple adoptions mod. It's not hard, but it's not overly simple either.


I will warn you though...once you start modding, you don't stop. :laugh:

Edited by TheGreenLion
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