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Steampunk-ish mods


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(I know some of this already exists, I just need help finding it.)


I'm an avid Steam Punk. I find the whole genre to be absolutely amazing. So, you can imagine my slight disappointment when I searched through hundreds of pages worth of mods to only find the "Manhunter" weapon.(http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=91209&hl=manhunter) It's a great gun, and looks wonderful. But I need more.


Here is an example of a Steam Punk prop I made myself using spare parts lying around. I hope it kind of gives people an idea of what Steam Punk is if they've never heard of it before.




Here is another example that is NOT mine.




Things I'm looking for aesthetically:


1. Victorian era detailing. Lots of extravagant patterns and engravings.


2. Brass, polished wood textures.


3. The plasma gun is a good example of a steampunk rifle, and so is the Plasma pistol. They just need a retexture (which I fail miserably at) to make the metal parts a brass color.


4. Clothing; Victorian era, brazing goggles with extra doodads.


Like I said, I'm sure that these already exist somewhere here. I just haven't been able to find any of this stuff. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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