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Anchorage loot unbalance the game?


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Would you prefer if you couldn't get the Outcasts' radio signal til 10-15?


That said, you can get almost anything in the game at pretty much any time, if you just go to the right place, and have enough patience. Want that T-51b? Hike your sorry butt up to the fort and get it. Want Vengeance? Well crawl your little vault-pampered ass into that there Deathclaw Sanctuary and don't look back. Just remember to save a lot. This is all due to the open nature of the game. It's not forcing you to go do the main quest right away, it waits patiently while you power up all you want.


Wanna really make the game easy? Grab level cap workarounds and wasteland mastery. My character kicks ass, chews bubblegum, and wears a friggin' slave outfit (hey, being from Texas, and looking out at the sea of brown that the wasteland is, I can't help but think of it as frikkin' hot, you'd wanna dress lightly!)--all at the same time. And that's without any Anchorage loot.


Course, on my next character I'll skip the level cap workarounds and wasteland mastery I think.. and not even bother putting points into energy weapons (oh, that'll be haaaarrd, I'm a laser fiend, fiend I tell you). I also plan to roleplay her a bit more. No rummaging through gore bags.. those are nasty! And no more Buildable Bots--she doesn't know how! Oh, and everything can be made better with fire...

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