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Lurtz, facepaint


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Could you make these cool white chalk tribal facepalm facepaints? as if these orcs put chalk on their hands and put their hands over their face? If possible make it racial like a replacement for the age wrinkles (so when you alter age you don't get wrinkles, you rather get a different variation of facepalm based on LOTR movies) the kind of facepaint lurtz from lotr has please I would do this myself but first my computer doesn't work and second I would only manage to get the textures but I won't be able to get it to replace the wrinkles for a race, (just make it for a brown skinned orc race, I want to use these as enemies further on, somehow related to goblins)

thanks in advance.

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Thanks for contributing to my topic! And sure great idea (provide pics idea), here are a few of the ugliest pics I could find for Lurtz, he was one of my favourite lotr characters, http://matajeux.free.fr/sda/tenebres/urukhai/lurtz2.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ZJRRBrzW6Xk/SdDV...00/lurtz3za.jpg http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/po...67571/img/1.jpg this guy and any other guy wearing those facepaints like this one (he wears it all over his body, p.s kickass helmet he's got there) http://www.starstore.com/acatalog/uruk-hai...erker_close.jpg http://media.photobucket.com/image/uruk%20...__E20247_20.jpg

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