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Rational farms/some farms become hunting lodges


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Did anyone else shake their heads when they saw farmers growing crops at the farms near Windhelm? Has anyone ever seen Inuit harrowing frozen tundra to plant carrots?


Has anyone ever noticed that the only hunters to be found outside of the holds are stuck in the middle of nowhere, where they could rarely if ever see a customer? In areas where you cannot farm, you must hunt, fish or gather.



My idea takes care of both things. Turn the farms in snow covered areas into hunting lodges or hunter/bow/general goods shops or "gatherer shops". Gatherer shops would sell wild harvested foods and ingredients. Lodges would give a warm place to sleep for those hunters stuck camping all of the time, and give them a place to sell their game. Hunter/bow shops would supply the hunters and everyone else with the tools to hunt


Hunters/gatherers could (maybe?) be scripted to bring their quarry to the lodge/shop every few days.

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