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Become a true slaver


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I find it rather dumb, that any other slaver in the wasteland can use fear or brute force to capture slaves, but you have to use a super sophisticated doo-hickey, that should be in the hands of BOS/outcasts/enclave, instead of something that a slaver casually gives to some stranger he doesnt trust or like at all.


And so I ask that someone makes a mod in which


-any npc who is knocked over, stunned, cowering, paralyzed or otherwise, can have a slave collar attached to them, perhaps the slave collar can be turned into a melee item which has a script which checks for these states on whatever it hits, and if any of these affect them, then the collar is attached.

***I made mod for personal use that (along with other things) makes blunt items, and most projectile items, do knockdowns on critical, so when I release that mod, and if someone makes what Im requesting. Blunt items will become quite usefull for capturing slaves, and in my opinion the idea of knocking someone out with a baseball bat to put a slave collar around their neck makes the evil path seem a lot more tempting and fun.


NPC's offer you their surrender when they know they're beat and you can at that point collar them.


very low confidence NPC's, especially those who are outgunned, outnumbered (only possible with mods that allow multiple companions), and facing power armored killing machine, will surrender as soon as you aim a gun at their heads, allowing you to talk to them like any other npc opening a dalogue in which they bargain for their lives, offering you the locations of useful areas, caps and other goods, perhaps even the passwords to terminals inside of nearby ruins in return for their freedom and lives. where you have the option to either take their offer, let them go free, or of course collar them and reap the rewards.


Fleeing enemies will sometimes turn around and offer you their surrender, this would be a lot more likely if they were suffering from damage over time effects (in which case they might beg you for a life saving stimpack), and enemies with crippled legs would find no option beside surrender.


This one might be a bit too much but still kinda cool, perhaps a hostage type option in the surrender dialogue in which those allied with the person you just captured reconsider shooting at you so you dont Kill their comerade to whom you now have a gun pointed squarely at their head.


Personal slaves:

- Eulogy jones could sell a 2000 cap addition to your megaton or tenpenny home that consists of a radio antenna that you can send your captured slaves to.

- After capturing 15 slaves, Eulogy is so impressed with you he gives you your own personal slave pen in paradise falls, along with a place to crash, where you can store your captured slaves.


your personal slaves

- Could be sold just like any other to paradise falls

- Could be sold to Ashur for even more caps, if you decided to ally with him.

- Could be sold to Wastelanders, scavengers, or travelling merchants like crazy wolfgang, they would then follow their new owner til they died

- Could be ransomed to that group of freed slaves who you can help move to the lincoln memorial

- Could be Forced to follow you around and do your bidding, fighting, carrying all your extra stuff (A slave that works for you for a long time will most likely be willing to take his/her chances with the collar and try to kill you)

- Could possibly be tasked with collecting scrap metal from vehicles



Eulogy jones or someone in paradise falls could sell upgrades such as a remote which instantly paralyzes all your active slaves, a remote that explodes the heads of any slaves that have turned hostile within the area, and on a more wishful/cruel thinking note raplacements for hands, with certain melee items ( a bunch of slaves with rippers in the place of hands would be a rather evil posse), partial lobotomy and cybernetic brain implants, could reduce your slaves combat skill, and make it so they only follow orders from a remote control, but make it so they will never turn on you.



I know its a lot of stuff, but most of it is really just wishful thinking, even just the slave collars work on knocked down/stunned npcs, and surrendering would be a pretty awesome mod. And personal slaves only as companions would also be pretty badass

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or he would give you a special gun what knocks everyone down first shot, or mabye it could be a experimantal mirv what knocks everyone out because it is sleeping gas instead of whatever is in a bomb lol. (or mabye him and his slavers mkae superduper mart into a slave house for u and he gives you some of his slavers what arent doing anything in paradise falls hmm... is this big enough lol)
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