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Oblivion with friends


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i hope some modder willling to help passes by.

it will never happen, game engine is incapable of handleing multi-player game.Also it becomes a copyright infringement as you cannot alter their game design to make it multi-player without their permission. Play WoW or some other Multiplayer because this is going nowhere, never has and never will.

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No amount of oblivion game mods will bring multi-player to Oblivion. Game mods can only utilize the functions, and extended functionality as done by obse. Mods can not read files off your hard drive, make system calls or any of the other higher functionality that would be necessary for what you're describing. There were, at least, two projects that were trying to make a co-op/multi player extension/mod for Oblivion, both are dead. Without looking at their work I don't see how you could add that functionality to the game without modifying the executable in some manner. (Not very legal).


On that note, I'd love to see a multi-player game like Oblivion. However; there's no financial reason for Bethesda to introduce such functionality at any point in the future. Adding that to any game increases the time needed to produce the game, so more over head cost for them and they get little return on the money. The only multi-player or co-op pc games you're going to see are games that require an internet connection and connecting to a remove server where they can control who has access, such as people who pirate games can't make use of their servers since their copy isn't legit. (For instance, Blizzard's Starcraft 2 will not offer lan play, only multi-player via battle.net, were they can control access).


tl;dr, don't expect Bethesda to ever release a TES game with lan/multi-player support on the pc, at least. Your best hope would be a console only co-op game or a version that requires the internet and utilizes something similar to Blizzard's Battle.net.

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it will never happen, game engine is incapable of handleing multi-player game.Also it becomes a copyright infringement as you cannot alter their game design to make it multi-player without their permission. Play WoW or some other Multiplayer because this is going nowhere, never has and never will.


i uderstan this and i knew it before, but we are sitll allowed to.... "dream".

WoW and such games aren't comparable with any TES games.


off topic: i just read that there will be no TES 5...isa this true?

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what if it went like this

you enter the server

temporary download of the other's mods

your both placed in a large dungeon

and you fight through it at a set deifficulty

you both get a very nice reward

then the other's mods, at your choise, are removed from your computor

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Calliton, that's bright but highly improbable. According to what ipegot said above, would it not be illegal to use something i.e. battle.net for example. I know this draws away from the topic of LAN, but it's a close alternative. If online connection via server is legal and possible, I feel this would be a worthy endeavor. Even just to go into the Arena in IC or some new Arena, and test your skills against other players, maybe even show off weapons and fighting styles (mods) would be enough online play for me; a larger place than that or a dungeon would just make the game wholly more of a challenge to even get working. But I don't think this would be a problem, where it's just a small Arena in which the only mods going in are little character mods (or maybe turn them off). But I never got half the reason of upgrading your character to level 70 and acquiring all the coolest artifacts in Cyrodiil if you don't get to 1 on 1 with someone and show off your skills. I think (if it's legal, which I got mixed messages about) this would be very much worth the effort.
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from what i can tell it would be illegal to modify the crack open oblivion's original code far enough to put in the multi-player options... but then if that is true what about teh OBSE wouldn't that be technically illegal then?... and if not wouldn't it be possible to make a new scripting feature similar to OBSE and add it to the game for multi-player support? i realize there would be much coding or what not for such a thing but wouldn't an add on feature like this be legal? i don't see why not because of all the new tools and add-ons that already exist for this game... more over what if someone where to program the functionality of an oblivion-esque multi/co-op and approach Bethesda and ask for permissions to make the proper modifications for said game or what not... i don't know how into other games some of you are but a similar but different thing has happened with command and conquer generals: zero hour... a mod made by fans implementing the Russians into the game where they never existed before... they made all the models and what not and programed all of the Russian units and everything themselves and EA caught wind of it and gave it their stamp of approval... don't you think that if some one where to pull of something amazing like that and it was embraced by the community that Bethesda would give it its thumbs up?
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As far as I know OblivionOnline worked, you just had to have friends in RL who play Oblivion and have them join the servers with you. All you could really do though was walk around in a shop with all the mods turned off. But they did already make an OblivionOnline dungeon; don't know how well that works. Just search Oblivion Online for these mods. Oblivion Reborn did the same thing except it was outside in the Green Emperor Way, so maybe it gave you that whole area to play in. If these mods do work, they can be expanded upon by using the scripts to make a small arena (or the IC Arena) in which people could have matches and battle each other, and mods would be a second worry. Again if OO or OR did work, then I really don't see anything impossible about this.
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