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Hey guys. Ill start from the top:


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Hey guys.

Ill start from the top: I'm in the military infantry to be precise.

I'm Scottish and being a member of the Scottish infantry I love my battalion.


Royal Regiment of Scotland, 3rd battalion The Blackwatch.


I was wondering if anybody would be kind enough to create a standalone armour piece modelled on my headdress.

I know I might be asking allot but it would mean allot!!


and I would be forever indebted to the person responsible.


I would attempt it my self but I fear I lack the skill and knowledge that you guys have.


I would upload a picture but its too big and I don't know how to make smaller.


Ill upload one so you can get the general idea and then if you agree to work on this for me ill intendant your email with photos of me looking like a fool from many angles haha


Thanks guys this would mean allot to me.




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Since there seems to be no feedback...i gave it a QUICK go, quite busy atm so don't expect fancy stuff. But as I always say, better than nothing for sure :D



... but since such a headdress is not handled like a helmet you can't blend out hair, so this will lead to clipping errors when you're using bushy hair - works best with short haircuts, human male right? What haircut are you using (maybe screenshot of the ingame creation tab - can be accessed via the console SHOWRACEMENU command (but save before you do so))

Edited by ghosu
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just the very short skin head. so simplicity :smile:


but I really need to send you a few pictures of the full headdress so you can have the whole picture can you pm me it please?

Edited by TuTriXUK
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Honestly man it looks really really good.

It sucks you don't have the time to finish it up but I thought I would give you some feedback on what I would like edited.

Iv attached a couple of pictures just of the sides and another of the front. was hoping if the next time you have a chance you could bring it down on the brim side (opposite from cap badge) as it looks like its been pulled up, when in reality it folds down.

Thanks again.

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