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evanpatterson - BANNED

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evanpatterson banned.

Reason for the ban
Piracy/Using a non-steam version of Skyrim

From the thread:


Posted Today, 03:25 PM

My game is crashing around the entrance to Solitude. It happens on the docks as i move up to the city and on the land across the river from the docks. I've also experienced CTD south east of Riften. I've tried many suggestions from other threads: checking ram using memory blocks log (usage is nowhere near the maximum), using ssme, crash and memory patch enboost, boss to fix load order, TES5 edit, wrye bash for a bashed patch, starting a new game. I've even reinstalled Skyrim completely and I still get this CTD without any mods. The only .esp I have are Skyrim.esm, Update.esm, Dawngaurd.esm, and Dragonborn.esm.

I am not using a steam version if you catch my drift. Could this be the problem?

Are my .bsa files just messed up? What else can I try to get rid of this problem?

Windows 7 64-bit
Intel I5-3570k
GTX 760, 2Gb V.Ram
8Gb Ram, 1866MHz


As I stated in the file thread-I do get your drift. Turn in a ban appeal if you can show YOUR Steam account library in a screenshot and we will consider the appeal. I would go ahead and review the Terms of Service before you do, if you do.As I stated in the file thread-I do get your drift.


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